Wouter Eggink
Wouter Eggink
Assistant Professor Design Histories, University of Twente
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A design process for creative technology
AH Mader, W Eggink
16th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design, E&PDE 2014 …, 2014
Luminescent solar concentrator photovoltaic designs
A Reinders, R Kishore, L Slooff, W Eggink
Japanese journal of applied physics 57 (8S3), 08RD10, 2018
Philosophy of Technology x Design: the practical turn
W Eggink, S Dorrestijn
Proceedings of DRS2018 190, 2018
Product impact, tool workshop, mastering affect and effect in human-product relations
S Dorrestijn, W Eggink
Ediciones Uniandes, 2014
A chair to look to the moon: What we can learn from irrational design history for contemporary design practice
W Eggink
Design Principles and Practices: an International Journal 3 (1), 103-114, 2009
Exploring the influence of self-confidence in product sketching
P van Passel, W Eggink
DS 76: Proceedings of E&PDE 2013, the 15th International Conference on …, 2013
Setting the stage for Responsible Design
W Eggink, D Ozkaramanli, C Zaga, N Liberati
How to interest people for the hare instead of the chase, an exploration of open script design to change consumer behaviour
L Stam, W Eggink
Sketching is more than making correct drawings
R Waanders, W Eggink, M Mulder-Nijkamp
13th Engineering and Product Design Education Conference; Creating a better …, 2011
Disruptive Images: stimulating creative solutions by visualizing the design vision
W Eggink
Design Society, 2011
Future Aesthetics of Technology; context specific theories from design and philosophy of technology
W Eggink, J Snippert
The Design Journal 20 (sup1), S196-S208, 2017
The reinvention of the ready-made
W Eggink
7th International Conference on Design & Emotion, D&E 2010, 001-023, 2010
A practical approach to teaching abstract product design issues
W Eggink
Journal of engineering design 20 (5), 511-521, 2009
A practical approach to product design for future worlds using scenario-development
W Eggink, AHME Reinders, B van der Meulen
11th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, E …, 2009
Brand value by design: the use of three levels of recognition in design
M Mulder-Nijkamp, W Eggink
5th World Conference on Design Research, IASDR 2013: Consilience and …, 2013
Where's my Robot? Integrating Human Technology Relations in the Design Curriculum
W Eggink
DS 78: Proceedings of the E&PDE 2014 16th International conference on …, 2014
Innovating from inside the brand:(Re) searching the optimum design strategy for brands a new product innovations
M Mulder-Nijkamp, W Eggink
11th Global Brand Conference 2016: Brands that do good, 2016
Design storytelling with future scenario development; envisioning" the museum"
W Eggink, A Albert de la Bruhèze
A multidisciplinary framework for (teaching) Human Product Relations
W Eggink, M van der Bijl-Brouwer
DS 62: Proceedings of E&PDE 2010, the 12th International Conference on …, 2010
Using the Product Impact Tool for Prospective Thinking
T Raub, S Dorrestijn, W Eggink
Proceedings of DRS2018, 255, 2018
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