Roel J. Bosker
Roel J. Bosker
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Multilevel analysis: An introduction to basic and advanced multilevel modeling (2nd ed.)
TAB Snijders, RJ Bosker
Sage, 2012
The foundations of educational effectiveness
J Scheerens, R Bosker
Pergamon, 1997
Definição de critérios, dimensão dos efeitos e estabilidade: três questões fundamentais na investigação sobre a eficácia escolar
As Organizações Escolares em Análise. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote-IIE …, 1995
Educational leadership and student achievement: The elusive search for an association
B Witziers, RJ Bosker, ML Krüger
Educational administration quarterly 39 (3), 398-425, 2003
Modeled variance in two-level models
TAB Snijders, RJ Bosker
Sociological methods & research 22 (3), 342-363, 1994
Effects of physical activity on executive functions, attention and academic performance in preadolescent children: a meta-analysis
JW De Greeff, RJ Bosker, J Oosterlaan, C Visscher, E Hartman
Journal of science and medicine in sport 21 (5), 501-507, 2018
Standard errors and sample sizes for two-level research
TAB Snijders, RJ Bosker
Journal of educational statistics 18 (3), 237-259, 1993
Professional communities and student achievement–a meta-analysis
C Lomos, RH Hofman, RJ Bosker
School effectiveness and school improvement 22 (2), 121-148, 2011
Sustainability of teacher expectation bias effects on long-term student performance.
H De Boer, RJ Bosker, MPC Van Der Werf
Journal of Educational Psychology 102 (1), 168, 2010
An introduction to basic and advanced multilevel modeling
TAB Snijders, RJ Bosker
London: Sage, 1999
Multilevel analysis: An introduction to basic and advanced multilevel modeling
TAB Snidjers, RJ Bosker
London: Sage, 1999
Effective differentiation practices: A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies on the cognitive effects of differentiation practices in primary education
MI Deunk, AE Smale-Jacobse, H de Boer, S Doolaard, RJ Bosker
Educational Research Review 24, 31-54, 2018
Physically active math and language lessons improve academic achievement: a cluster randomized controlled trial
MJ Mullender-Wijnsma, E Hartman, JW de Greeff, S Doolaard, RJ Bosker, ...
Pediatrics 137 (3), 2016
Improving academic performance of school‐age children by physical activity in the classroom: 1‐year program evaluation
MJ Mullender‐Wijnsma, E Hartman, JW de Greeff, RJ Bosker, S Doolaard, ...
Journal of school health 85 (6), 365-371, 2015
Teacher–student interpersonal relationships in Indonesia: profiles and importance to student motivation
R Maulana, MC Opdenakker, P den Brok, R Bosker
Asia Pacific Journal of Education 31 (01), 33-49, 2011
Student emotions in class: The relative importance of teachers and their interpersonal relations with students
T Mainhard, S Oudman, L Hornstra, RJ Bosker, T Goetz
Learning and instruction 53, 109-119, 2018
The relationship between departments as professional communities and student achievement in secondary schools
C Lomos, RH Hofman, RJ Bosker
Teaching and Teacher Education 27 (4), 722-731, 2011
Teacher–student interpersonal relationships do change and affect academic motivation: A multilevel growth curve modelling
R Maulana, MC Opdenakker, R Bosker
British journal of educational psychology 84 (3), 459-482, 2014
The influence of personal networks and social support on study attainment of students in university education
L Eggens, MPC Van der Werf, RJ Bosker
Higher education 55, 553-573, 2008
Changes in teachers’ involvement versus rejection and links with academic motivation during the first year of secondary education: A multilevel growth curve analysis
R Maulana, MC Opdenakker, K Stroet, R Bosker
Journal of youth and adolescence 42, 1348-1371, 2013
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