Emma Puerari
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Cited by
Co-creation dynamics in urban living labs
E Puerari, JIJC De Koning, T Von Wirth, PM Karré, IJ Mulder, ...
Sustainability 10 (6), 1893, 2018
Regional design ateliers on ‘energy and space’: systemic transition arenas in energy transition processes
A Kempenaar, E Puerari, M Pleijte, M van Buuren
European planning studies 29 (4), 762-778, 2021
Citizen engagement in spatial planning, shaping places together
LG Horlings, C Lamker, E Puerari, W Rauws, G van der Vaart
Sustainability 13 (19), 11006, 2021
Co-creation dynamics in urban living labs. Sustainability, 10 (6), 1893
E Puerari, J De Koning, T Von Wirth, P Karré, I Mulder, D Loorbach
Urban public services innovation. Exploring the 3P and 4P models
E Puerari
Politecnico di Milano, 2016
Co-creation dynamics in urban living labs. Sustainability 10, 1893
E Puerari, J De Koning, T Von Wirth, PM Karré, IJ Mulder, DA Loorbach
Design-enabled participatory city making
JIJC De Koning, E Puerari, IJ Mulder, DA Loorbach
2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation …, 2018
Shaping spaces of interaction for sustainable transitions
E Puerari, J De Koning, I Mulder, D Loorbach
Proceedings 30th Annual AESOP 2017 Congress, 202-208, 2017
Ten types of emerging city makers
J De Koning, E Puerari, I Mulder, D Loorbach
Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD6) 2017 Symposium …, 2017
Communities and space–Post-Corona avenues for “new normals” in planning research
CW Lamker, LG Horlings, E Puerari
Local Development & Society 1 (1), 83-89, 2020
Landscape of participatory city makers: A distinct understanding through different lenses
JIJC de Koning, E Puerari, I Mulder, D Loorbach
FormAkademisk-Research Journal of Design and Design Education 12 (2), 3, 2019
Innovating public services in urban environments: a SOC inspired strategy proposal
E Puerari, A Longo, F Rizzo
Smarth rowth: Organizations, Cities and Communities, a cura di Schiuma …, 2013
Ecosystem Innovation as Triggers of New Paths and Practices for Urban Space
A Moro, E Puerari
10th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, 1886-1897, 2015
Greening Cities, Shaping Cities: Pinpointing Nature-Based Solutions in Cities between Shared Governance and Citizen Participation
IH Mahmoud, E Morello, G Salvia, E Puerari
Sustainability 14 (12), 7011, 2022
Achieving sustainability through a cyclical process of evaluation and adjustment: a support system for urban design
E Puerari, E Morello
Envisioning Architecture: Design, Evaluation, Communication-Proceedings of …, 2013
Valutare la sostenibilità nella progettazione urbana: un approccio integrato
Politecnico di Milano, 2010
Possible new governance models in the innovation of urban public services
E Puerari
AESOP eBOOK, 475-475, 2014
Interaction between formal and informal actors in the shadow of policymaking: Case studies of community-based urban pluvial flood risk management in Pearl River Delta cities
Z Pan, G de Roo, E Puerari
Journal of Urban Management, 2024
Greening Cities Shaping Cities
IH Mahmoud, E Morello, G Salvia, E Puerari
MDPI-Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2022
8. Collaborative and innovative participatory planning pedagogies: reflections from the Community Participation in Planning project
FN Mota, E Puerari, L O’Kane
Teaching Urban and Regional Planning: Innovative Pedagogies in Practice, 125, 2021
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Articles 1–20