Nadine Raaphorst
Nadine Raaphorst
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Organizational socialization in public administration research: A systematic review and directions for future research
S Moyson, N Raaphorst, S Groeneveld, S Van de Walle
The American Review of Public Administration 48 (6), 610-627, 2018
How to prove, how to interpret and what to do? Uncertainty experiences of street-level tax officials
N Raaphorst
Public Management Review 20 (4), 485-502, 2018
From poker games to kitchen tables: How social dynamics affect frontline decision making
N Raaphorst, K Loyens
Administration & Society 52 (1), 31-56, 2020
Automation and discretion: explaining the effect of automation on how street-level bureaucrats enforce
N de Boer, N Raaphorst
Public Management Review 25 (1), 42-62, 2023
A signaling perspective on bureaucratic encounters: How public officials interpret signals and cues
N Raaphorst, S Van de Walle
Social Policy & Administration 52 (7), 1367-1378, 2018
Do tax officials use double standards in evaluating citizen‐clients? A policy‐capturing study among Dutch frontline tax officials
N Raaphorst, S Groeneveld, S Van de Walle
Public Administration 96 (1), 134-153, 2018
Double standards in frontline decision making: A theoretical and empirical exploration
N Raaphorst, S Groeneveld
Administration & Society 50 (8), 1175-1201, 2018
Discrimination and representation in street-level bureaucracies
N Raaphorst, S Groeneveld
Research handbook on street-level bureaucracy, 116-127, 2019
Trust in and by the public sector
N Raaphorst, S Van de Walle
The Routledge companion to trust, 469-482, 2018
Unraveling the hindering factors of digital public service delivery at street-level: the case of electronic health records
S Giest, N Raaphorst
Policy Design and Practice 1 (2), 141-154, 2018
Uncertainty in bureaucracy: Toward a sociological understanding of frontline decision making
N Raaphorst
Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2017
Inspectors and Enforcement at the Front Line of Government
S Van de Walle, N Raaphorst
Springer, 2018
Performance management from the bottom up
D Gassner, A Gofen, N Raaphorst
Public Management Review 24 (1), 106-123, 2022
‘A necessary evil that does not “really” cure disease’: The domestication of biomedicine by Dutch holistic general practitioners
N Raaphorst, D Houtman
Health: 20 (3), 242-257, 2016
Trust, fairness, and signaling: Studying the interaction between officials and citizens
N Raaphorst, S Van de Walle
The Handbook of Public Sector Communication, 59-70, 2020
Introduction: The social dynamics of daily inspection work
S Van de Walle, N Raaphorst
Inspectors and enforcement at the front Line of government, 1-10, 2019
Administrative justice in street-level decision making: Equal treatment and responsiveness
N Raaphorst
The Oxford Handbook of Administrative Justice, 397–414, 2021
Professionals’ health conceptions of clients with psychosocial problems: an analysis based on an empirical exploration of semi-structured interviews
F van Heteren, N Raaphorst, S Groeneveld, J Bussemaker
International Journal of Nursing Studies Advances 5, 100120, 2023
Organizational socialization
D Hatmaker, S Moyson, N Raaphorst
Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance …, 2016
An empirical conceptualization of front line enablement by performance management
N Raaphorst
Public Management Review 26 (6), 1658-1683, 2024
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