Jan Kycia
Cited by
Cited by
SCUBA-2: the 10 000 pixel bolometer camera on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
WS Holland, D Bintley, EL Chapin, A Chrysostomou, GR Davis, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 430 (4), 2513-2533, 2013
Homogeneous Equal-Spin Pairing Superfluid State of in Aerogel
DT Sprague, TM Haard, JB Kycia, MR Rand, Y Lee, PJ Hamot, ...
Physical review letters 75 (4), 661, 1995
Superconducting quantum interference device as a near-quantum-limited amplifier at 0.5 GHz
M Mück, JB Kycia, J Clarke
Applied Physics Letters 78 (7), 967-969, 2001
Lightly stuffed pyrochlore structure of single-crystalline YbTiO grown by the optical floating zone technique
KA Ross, T Proffen, HA Dabkowska, JA Quilliam, LR Yaraskavitch, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (17), 174424, 2012
Absence of Pauling’s residual entropy in thermally equilibrated Dy2Ti2O7
D Pomaranski, LR Yaraskavitch, S Meng, KA Ross, HML Noad, ...
Nature Physics 9 (6), 353-356, 2013
SCUBA-2: a 10,000-pixel submillimeter camera for the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
W Holland, M MacIntosh, A Fairley, D Kelly, D Montgomery, D Gostick, ...
Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy III …, 2006
Vacancy defects and monopole dynamics in oxygen-deficient pyrochlores
G Sala, MJ Gutmann, D Prabhakaran, D Pomaranski, C Mitchelitis, ...
Nature Materials 13 (5), 488-493, 2014
Quantized motion of atoms in a quadrupole magnetostatic trap
TH Bergeman, P McNicholl, J Kycia, H Metcalf, NL Balazs
JOSA B 6 (11), 2249-2256, 1989
Long-range order and spin-liquid states of polycrystalline TbTiO
T Taniguchi, H Kadowaki, H Takatsu, B Fåk, J Ollivier, T Yamazaki, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (6), 060408, 2013
Evidence of impurity and boundary effects on magnetic monopole dynamics in spin ice
HM Revell, LR Yaraskavitch, JD Mason, KA Ross, HML Noad, ...
Nature Physics 9 (1), 34-37, 2013
Dimensional evolution of spin correlations in the magnetic pyrochlore YbTiO
KA Ross, LR Yaraskavitch, M Laver, JS Gardner, JA Quilliam, S Meng, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (17), 174442, 2011
Effect of Magnetic Scattering on the Superfluid State in Aerogel
DT Sprague, TM Haard, JB Kycia, MR Rand, Y Lee, PJ Hamot, ...
Physical review letters 77 (22), 4568, 1996
Unconventional magnetic ground state in YbTiO
RM D’Ortenzio, HA Dabkowska, SR Dunsiger, BD Gaulin, MJP Gingras, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (13), 134428, 2013
Spin dynamics in the frozen state of the dipolar spin ice material DyTiO
LR Yaraskavitch, HM Revell, S Meng, KA Ross, HML Noad, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (2), 020410, 2012
Dynamics of the magnetic susceptibility deep in the Coulomb phase of the dipolar spin ice material HoTiO
JA Quilliam, LR Yaraskavitch, HA Dabkowska, BD Gaulin, JB Kycia
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (9), 094424, 2011
Evidence for Complex Superconducting Order Parameter Symmetry <?format ?>in the Low-Temperature Phase of from Josephson Interferometry
JD Strand, DJ Van Harlingen, JB Kycia, WP Halperin
Physical review letters 103 (19), 197002, 2009
Evidence of Spin Glass Dynamics in Dilute
JA Quilliam, S Meng, CGA Mugford, JB Kycia
Physical review letters 101 (18), 187204, 2008
Evidence for Gapped Spin-Wave Excitations in the Frustrated Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet from Low-Temperature Specific Heat Measurements
JA Quilliam, KA Ross, AG Del Maestro, MJP Gingras, LR Corruccini, ...
Physical review letters 99 (9), 097201, 2007
Suppression of superconductivity in UPt 3 single crystals
JB Kycia, JI Hong, MJ Graf, JA Sauls, DN Seidman, WP Halperin
Physical Review B 58 (2), R603, 1998
Specific Heat of the Dilute Ising Magnet
JA Quilliam, CGA Mugford, A Gomez, SW Kycia, JB Kycia
Physical review letters 98 (3), 037203, 2007
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Articles 1–20