Marcel Lubbers
Marcel Lubbers
Professor in Interdisciplinary Social Science | ERCOMER | Utrecht University
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Extreme right‐wing voting in Western Europe
M Lubbers, M Gijsberts, P Scheepers
European Journal of Political Research 41 (3), 345-378, 2002
Who Fears What? Explaining Far-Right-Wing Preference in Europe by Distinguishing Perceived Cultural and Economic Ethnic Threats
G Lucassen, M Lubbers
Comparative Political Studies 45 (5), 547-574, 2012
Euro-scepticism and radical right-wing voting in Europe, 2002–2008: Social cleavages, socio-political attitudes and contextual characteristics determining voting for the …
H Werts, P Scheepers, M Lubbers
European Union Politics 14 (2), 183-205, 2013
Individual and contextual characteristics of the German extreme right-wing vote in the 1990s. A test of complementary theories
M Lubbers, P Scheepers
European Journal of Political Research 38 (1), 63-94, 2000
Generational differences in ethnic and religious attachment and their interrelation. A study among Muslim minorities in the Netherlands
M Maliepaard, M Lubbers, M Gijsberts
Methods and Contexts in the Study of Muslim Minorities, 216-237, 2014
Divergent trends of euroscepticism in countries and regions of the European Union
M Lubbers, P Scheepers
European Journal of Political Research 49 (6), 787-817, 2010
Exposure to newspapers and attitudes toward ethnic minorities: A longitudinal analysis
M Vergeer, M Lubbers, P Scheepers
Howard Journal of Communications 11 (2), 127-143, 2000
More than two decades of changing ethnic attitudes in the Netherlands
M Coenders, M Lubbers, P Scheepers, M Verkuyten
Journal of Social Issues 64 (2), 269-285, 2008
Explaining the trend in extreme right‐wing voting: Germany 1989–1998
M Lubbers, P Scheepers
European Sociological Review 17 (4), 431-449, 2001
Nationalistic attitudes and voting for the radical right in Europe
M Lubbers, M Coenders
European Union Politics 18 (1), 98-118, 2017
Political versus instrumental Euro-scepticism: Mapping scepticism in European countries and regions
M Lubbers, P Scheepers
European Union Politics 6 (2), 223-242, 2005
French Front National voting: a micro and macro perspective
M Lubbers, P Scheepers
Ethnic and racial studies 25 (1), 120-149, 2002
Support for radical left ideologies in E urope
M Visser, M Lubbers, G Kraaykamp, E Jaspers
European journal of political research 53 (3), 541-558, 2014
Regarding the DutchNee'to the European Constitution: A Test of the Identity, Utilitarian and Political Approaches to VotingNo'
M Lubbers
European Union Politics 9 (1), 59-86, 2008
Exclusionistic electorates: extreme right-wing voting in Western Europe
M Lubbers
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Explanations of political euro-scepticism at the individual, regional and national levels
M Lubbers, P Scheepers
European societies 9 (4), 643-669, 2007
Parental religious transmission after migration: The case of Dutch Muslims
M Maliepaard, M Lubbers
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 39 (3), 425-442, 2013
Ethnic competition and opposition to ethnic intermarriage in the Netherlands: A multi-level approach
J Tolsma, M Lubbers, M Coenders
European Sociological Review 24 (2), 215-230, 2008
Education and cultural integration among ethnic minorities and natives in the Netherlands: A test of the integration paradox
J Tolsma, M Lubbers, M Gijsberts
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 38 (5), 793-813, 2012
'Sexually modern nativist voters': do they exist and do they vote for the populist radical right?
N Spierings, M Lubbers, A Zaslove
Gender and the Radical and Extreme Right, 84-105, 2020
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Articles 1–20