Jeroen Schepers
Jeroen Schepers
Associate Professor of Frontline Service and Innovation
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A meta-analysis of the technology acceptance model: Investigating subjective norm and moderation effects
J Schepers, M Wetzels
Information & management 44 (1), 90-103, 2007
The acceptance and use of a virtual learning environment in China
EM Van Raaij, JJL Schepers
Computers & Education 50 (3), 838-852, 2008
Service robot implementation: a theoretical framework and research agenda
D Belanche, LV Casaló, C Flavián, J Schepers
The Service Industries Journal 40 (3-4), 203-225, 2020
Identifying cross-channel dissynergies for multichannel service providers
T Falk, J Schepers, M Hammerschmidt, HH Bauer
Journal of Service Research 10 (2), 143-160, 2007
Leadership styles in technology acceptance: do followers practice what leaders preach?
J Schepers, M Wetzels, K de Ruyter
Managing Service Quality: An International Journal 15 (6), 496-508, 2005
Trust transfer in the continued usage of public e-services
D Belanche, LV Casaló, C Flavián, J Schepers
Information & Management 51 (6), 627-640, 2014
The service quality-satisfaction link revisited: exploring asymmetries and dynamics
T Falk, M Hammerschmidt, JJL Schepers
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 38, 288-302, 2010
Robots or frontline employees? Exploring customers’ attributions of responsibility and stability after service failure or success
D Belanche, LV Casaló, C Flavián, J Schepers
Journal of Service Management 31 (2), 267-289, 2020
Examining the effects of robots' physical appearance, warmth, and competence in frontline services: The Humanness‐Value‐Loyalty model
D Belanche, LV Casaló, J Schepers, C Flavián
Psychology & Marketing 38 (12), 2357-2376, 2021
Psychological safety and social support in groupware adoption: A multi-level assessment in education
J Schepers, A de Jong, M Wetzels, K de Ruyter
Computers & Education 51 (2), 757-775, 2008
Multichannel customer segmentation: Does the after-sales channel matter? A replication and extension
A De Keyser, J Schepers, U Konuş
International Journal of Research in Marketing 32 (4), 453-456, 2015
How mobile payment influences the overall store price image
T Falk, WH Kunz, JJL Schepers, AJ Mrozek
Journal of Business Research 69 (7), 2417-2423, 2016
Principles and Principals: Do Customer Stewardship and Agency Control Compete or Complement when Shaping Frontline Employee Behavior?
J Schepers, T Falk, K Ruyter, A Jong, M Hammerschmidt
Journal of Marketing 76 (6), 1-20, 2012
Understanding workplace boredom among white collar employees: Temporary reactions and individual differences
GAH Van der Heijden, JJL Schepers, EJ Nijssen
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 21 (3), 349-375, 2012
Don’t just fix it, make it better! Using frontline service employees to improve recovery performance
GAH Van der Heijden, JJL Schepers, EJ Nijssen, A Ordanini
Journal of the Academy of marketing Science 41, 515-530, 2013
Innovation in the frontline: Exploring the relationship between role conflict, ideas for improvement, and employee service performance
JJL Schepers, EJ Nijssen, GAH Van der Heijden
International Journal of Research in Marketing 33 (4), 797-817, 2016
Why did they do it? How customers’ self-service technology introduction attributions affect the customer-provider relationship
EJ Nijssen, JJL Schepers, D Belanche
Journal of Service Management 27 (3), 276-298, 2016
How smart should a service robot be?
J Schepers, D Belanche, LV Casaló, C Flavián
Journal of Service Research 25 (4), 565-582, 2022
Brand advocacy in the frontline: how does it affect customer satisfaction?
J Schepers, EJ Nijssen
Journal of Service Management 29 (2), 230-252, 2018
A meta-analysis of frontline employees’ role behavior and the moderating effects of national culture
JJL Schepers, M Van der Borgh
Journal of Service Research 23 (3), 255-280, 2020
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Articles 1–20