Niels van der Baan
Niels van der Baan
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Cited by
Cited by
Coaching to prepare students for their school-to-work transition: conceptualizing core coaching competences
N van der Baan, I Gast, W Gijselaers, S Beausaert
Education+ Training 64 (3), 398-415, 2022
Employability competences of workers in health care and finance. The role of self‐directed learning orientation and job characteristics
N van der Baan, I Raemdonck, E Bastiaens, S Beausaert
International Journal of Training and Development, 2022
Developing employability competences through career coaching in higher education: supporting students’ learning process
N van der Baan, W Nuis, S Beausaert, W Gijselaers, I Gast
Studies in Higher Education, 1-20, 2024
Facilitating the education-to-work transition: coaching for employability unravelled
NA van der Baan
Coaching op de grens van opleiding en werk: Gefundeerd begeleiden doe je zo
J De Wilde, W Nuis, N van der Baan, S Beausaert
Lannoo Meulenhoff-Belgium, 2023
On the relationship between coaching and employability competences: a multiple perspective study
N van der Baan, W Nuis, S Beausaert, W Gijselaers, I Gast
2023 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, 2023
Exploring the relationship between coaching and employability competences: preparing students for workplace learning
N van der Baan, W Nuis, S Beausaert, W Gijselaers, I Gast
TEPE CONFERENCE 2023: 17th annual Teacher Education Policy, 2023
Mentoring students in higher education for reflection and development of employability competences: a pre-test post-test design
W Nuis, NA van der Baan, S Beausaert
Education+ Training 66 (4), 408-430, 2024
The education-to-work transition: a systematic analysis of pedagogical interventions in the context of higher education
N van der Baan, I Gast, W Gijselaers, E Kyndt, P Tynjälä, S Beausaert
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 1-25, 2025
Retention of newcomers and factors influencing turnover intentions and behaviour: a review of the literature
NA van der Baan, G Meinke, MH Virolainen, S Beausaert, I Gast
Education+ Training, 2025
An exploration of governance in teaching hospitals in the Netherlands focused on educational objectives
LM van der Baaren, RE Gifford, NA van der Baan, MN Sosef, JH Blaauw, ...
BMC Medical Education 25 (1), 88, 2025
The relation between perceived autonomy support and (in) formal learning when using a PDP: the mediating role of self-direction in learning
N van der Baan, C Lejeune, S Beausaert, I Raemdonck
European Journal of Training and Development 48 (10), 84-101, 2024
How does career coaching in higher education help graduate employees adjust to the workplace?
N van der Baan, S Beausaert, W Gijselaers, I Gast
Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 2024
Effectief coachen? een flexibele coach en vier types ondersteuning
S Beausaert, N van der Baan, W Nuis, J de Wilde
LoopbaanVisie 2024, 50-54, 2024
Coaching op de grens van opleiding en werk
J De Wilde, W Nuis, N Van der Baan, S Beausaert
Lannoo Campus; Leuven, 2023
Coaching on the edge of education and work
J De Wilde, S Beausaert, N van der Baan, W Nuis
UM Connect day, Location: Maastricht, 2023
Mentoring for student reflection and employability competences: A pre-test post-test study
W Nuis, N van der Baan, S Beausaert
20th Biennial EARLI Conference: Education as a Hope in Uncertain Times, 2023
Coaching, de versterker van reflectie en professionele groei
J De Wilde, W Nuis, N van der Baan
none, 2022
Reflectie in het onderwijs: een vlag met meerdere ladingen
J De Wilde, W Nuis, N van der Baan
Tussen school en werk, niet tussen wal en schip
J DeWilde, N van der Baan
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Articles 1–20