Justin L Gardner
Justin L Gardner
Associate Professor, Stanford University
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Maps of visual space in human occipital cortex are retinotopic, not spatiotopic
JL Gardner, EP Merriam, JA Movshon, DJ Heeger
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (15), 3988-3999, 2008
Learning to simulate others' decisions
S Suzuki, N Harasawa, K Ueno, JL Gardner, N Ichinohe, M Haruno, ...
Neuron 74 (6), 1125-1137, 2012
Contrast adaptation and representation in human early visual cortex
JL Gardner, P Sun, RA Waggoner, K Ueno, K Tanaka, K Cheng
Neuron 47 (4), 607-620, 2005
Attentional enhancement via selection and pooling of early sensory responses in human visual cortex
F Pestilli, M Carrasco, DJ Heeger, JL Gardner
Neuron 72 (5), 832-846, 2011
Adaptable history biases in human perceptual decisions
A Abrahamyan, LL Silva, SC Dakin, M Carandini, JL Gardner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (25), E3548-E3557, 2016
Executed and observed movements have different distributed representations in human aIPS
I Dinstein, JL Gardner, M Jazayeri, DJ Heeger
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (44), 11231-11239, 2008
Linear and nonlinear contributions to orientation tuning of simple cells in the cat's striate cortex
JL Gardner, A Anzai, I Ohzawa, RD Freeman
Visual neuroscience 16 (6), 1115-1121, 1999
Feature-specific attentional priority signals in human cortex
T Liu, L Hospadaruk, DC Zhu, JL Gardner
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (12), 4484-4495, 2011
Serial linkage of target selection for orienting and tracking eye movements
JL Gardner, SG Lisberger
Nature neuroscience 5 (9), 892-899, 2002
Is cortical vasculature functionally organized?
JL Gardner
Neuroimage 49 (3), 1953-1956, 2010
Optimality and heuristics in perceptual neuroscience
JL Gardner
Nature neuroscience 22 (4), 514-523, 2019
Cortical correlates of human motion perception biases
B Vintch, JL Gardner
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (7), 2592-2604, 2014
Linked target selection for saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movements
JL Gardner, SG Lisberger
Journal of Neuroscience 21 (6), 2075-2084, 2001
A temporal frequency–dependent functional architecture in human V1 revealed by high-resolution fMRI
P Sun, K Ueno, RA Waggoner, JL Gardner, K Tanaka, K Cheng
Nature neuroscience 10 (11), 1404-1406, 2007
Digital cartoon and animation process
NH Tostevin, MR Moran, JL Gardner, NM Marrero, RA Cook
US Patent 6,061,462, 2000
Modulation of visual responses by gaze direction in human visual cortex
EP Merriam, JL Gardner, JA Movshon, DJ Heeger
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (24), 9879-9889, 2013
Demonstration of tuning to stimulus orientation in the human visual cortex: a high-resolution fMRI study with a novel continuous and periodic stimulation paradigm
P Sun, JL Gardner, M Costagli, K Ueno, RA Waggoner, K Tanaka, ...
Cerebral Cortex 23 (7), 1618-1629, 2013
Inverted encoding models of human population response conflate noise and neural tuning width
T Liu, D Cable, JL Gardner
Journal of Neuroscience 38 (2), 398-408, 2018
Texture-like representation of objects in human visual cortex
AV Jagadeesh, JL Gardner
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (17), e2115302119, 2022
Directional anisotropies reveal a functional segregation of visual motion processing for perception and action
AK Churchland, JL Gardner, I Chou, NJ Priebe, SG Lisberger
Neuron 37 (6), 1001-1011, 2003
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