Atser Damsma
Cited by
Cited by
Temporal context actively shapes EEG signatures of time perception
A Damsma, N Schlichting, H van Rijn
Journal of Neuroscience 41 (20), 4514-4523, 2021
Pupillary response indexes the metrical hierarchy of unattended rhythmic violations
A Damsma, H van Rijn
Brain and cognition 111, 95-103, 2017
The dynamic effect of context on interval timing in children and adults
Q Hallez, A Damsma, D Rhodes, H Van Rijn, S Droit-Volet
Acta psychologica 192, 87-93, 2019
Training-induced changes in the dynamics of attention as reflected in pupil dilation
C Willems, A Damsma, SM Wierda, N Taatgen, S Martens
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27 (6), 1161-1171, 2015
Temporal context influences the perceived duration of everyday actions: Assessing the ecological validity of lab-based timing phenomena
N Schlichting, A Damsma, EE Aksoy, M Wächter, T Asfour, H van Rijn
Journal of Cognition 2 (1), 2018
Estimating time: Comparing the accuracy of estimation methods for interval timing
A Damsma, N Schlichting, H van Rijn, W Roseboom
Collabra: Psychology 7 (1), 21422, 2021
Neural markers of memory consolidation do not predict temporal estimates of encoded items
A Damsma, R van der Mijn, H van Rijn
Neuropsychologia 117, 36-45, 2018
No evidence for an attentional bias towards implicit temporal regularities
A Damsma, N Taatgen, R de Jong, H van Rijn
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 82, 1136-1149, 2020
VR: time machine
D Polydorou, O Ben-Tal, A Damsma, N Schlichting
Human-Computer Interaction. Human Values and Quality of Life: Thematic Area …, 2020
Tempo-dependent selective enhancement of neural responses at the beat frequency can be explained by both an oscillator and an evoked model
A Damsma, M de Roo, K Doelling, PL Bazin, FL Bouwer
bioRxiv, 2024.07. 11.603023, 2024
Individual optimization of risky decisions in duration and distance estimations
R van der Mijn, A Damsma, N Taatgen, H van Rijn
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 83, 1897-1906, 2021
Adaptive Timing
A Damsma
Decoding the influence of context on time perception
A Damsma, N Schlichting, R Eike, D van Rijn
Annual meeting of the society for Neuroscience, 2018
Time Machine: Experiencing time in the brain
D Polydorou, O Ben-Tal, A Damsma, N Schlichting
4th International Conference on Time Perspectives, 2018
Quantifying attention and its effect on interval timing
N Schlichting, A Damsma, MP Ziegler, R de Jong, D van Rijn
Annual meeting of the society for Neuroscience, 2018
No Evidence For Improved Attention Towards Implicit Temporal Regularities
A Damsma, R de Jong, N Taatgen, D van Rijn
Winter Conference Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie 2017, 2017
Neural markers of memory consolidation do not predict temporal estimates of encoded items
R van der Mijn, A Damsma, D van Rijn
Winter Conference Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie 2017, 2017
Pupil dilation indexes the metrical hierarchy of unattended rhythmic violations
A Damsma, D van Rijn
19th European Conference on Eye Movements, 2017
Does Memory Consolidation Act as the Trigger of Interval Timing?
R van der Mijn, A Damsma, H van Rijn
Time in Tokyo: International Symposium on Temporal Perception and Experience, 2016
Pupil Dilation Reflects Unattended Violations of The Beat
A Damsma, H van Rijn
NVP Winter Conference 2015, 2015
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Articles 1–20