Timo Seidl
Cited by
Cited by
Die Ethik der Solution und der Geist des digitalen Kapitalismus
O Nachtwey, T Seidl
Institut für Sozialforschung an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, 2017
As open as possible, as autonomous as necessary: Understanding the rise of open strategic autonomy in EU trade policy
L Schmitz, T Seidl
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 61 (3), 834-852, 2023
The politics of platform capitalism: A case study on the regulation of Uber in New York
T Seidl
Regulation & Governance 16 (2), 357-374, 2022
The solutionist ethic and the spirit of digital capitalism
O Nachtwey, T Seidl
Theory, Culture & Society 41 (2), 91-112, 2024
Moving on to not fall behind? Technological sovereignty and the ‘geo-dirigiste’turn in EU industrial policy
T Seidl, L Schmitz
Journal of European Public Policy 31 (8), 2147-2174, 2024
The discursive construction of digitalization: a comparative analysis of national discourses on the digital future of work
M Marenco, T Seidl
European Political Science Review 13 (3), 391-409, 2021
Regulating the European data‐driven economy: A case study on the general data protection regulation
M Laurer, T Seidl
Policy & Internet 13 (2), 257-277, 2021
Digital sovereignty-Rhetoric and reality
G Falkner, S Heidebrecht, A Obendiek, T Seidl
Journal of European Public Policy, 1-22, 2024
The (false) promise of solutionism: Ideational business power and the construction of epistemic authority in digital security governance
AS Obendiek, T Seidl
Journal of European Public Policy 30 (7), 1305-1329, 2023
Im» Südwesten «nichts Neues? Eine Analyse der deutschen Namibiapolitik als Beitrag zur Rekonstruktion der auβenpolitischen Identität des deutschen Nationalstaates
U Roos, T Seidl
Zeitschrift für Friedens-und Konfliktforschung 4 (2), 182-224, 2015
Protecting, transforming, and projecting the single market. Open strategic autonomy and digital sovereignty in the EU’s trade and digital policies
L Schmitz, T Seidl
OSF, 2022
Commodification and disruption: Theorizing digital capitalism
T Seidl
Weizenbaum Journal of the Digital Society 3 (1), 2023
Investing in the knowledge economy: The comparative political economy of public investments in knowledge‐based capital
T Seidl
European journal of political research 62 (3), 924-944, 2023
Ideas, politics, and technological change: essays on the comparative political economy of digital capitalism
T Seidl
European University Institute, 2021
Das doppelte Ziel der deutschen Eurokrisenpolitik
M Laurer, T Seidl
WeltTrends 99, 120-126, 2014
Charting the Contours of the Geo-Tech World
T Seidl
Geopolitics, 1-13, 2024
Opportunity or threat? How discourses on digitalisation vary across European countries
M Marenco, T Seidl
LSE European Politics and Policy (EUROPP) blog, 2021
Eine Stabilitäts-und Wettbewerbsunion der Regierungen: zur Rekonstruktion grundlegender Handlungsregeln deutscher Eurokrisenpolitik
M Laurer, T Seidl
Deutsche Außenpolitik: Arenen, Diskurse und grundlegende Handlungsregeln, 13-47, 2017
The Costs of Conditionality: IPCEIs and the Constrained Politics of EU Industrial Policy
L Schmitz, T Seidl, T Wuttke
Der solutionistische Geist des digitalen Kapitalismus
T Seidl, O Nachtwey, J Truffer
Theorien des digitalen Kapitalismus. Arbeit, Ökonomie, Politik und Subjekt …, 2023
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Articles 1–20