Patrick Wu
Patrick Wu
Professor Emeritus of Geosciences, University of Calgary
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Rheology of the upper mantle: A synthesis
S Karato, P Wu
Science 260 (5109), 771-778, 1993
Viscous gravitational relaxation
P Wu, WR Peltier
Geophysical Journal International 70 (2), 435-485, 1982
Pleistocene deglaciation and the Earth's rotation: a new analysis
P Wu, WR Peltier
Geophysical Journal International 76 (3), 753-791, 1984
Glacial isostatic adjustment and the free air gravity anomaly as a constraint on deep mantle viscosity
P Wu, WR Peltier
Geophysical Journal International 74 (2), 377-449, 1983
Glacial isostatic adjustment in Fennoscandia—a review of data and modeling
H Steffen, P Wu
Journal of geodynamics 52 (3-4), 169-204, 2011
Using commercial finite element packages for the study of earth deformations, sea levels and the state of stress
P Wu
Geophysical Journal International 158 (2), 401-408, 2004
Groundwater storage changes in the Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas revealed from GRACE satellite gravity data
L Xiang, H Wang, H Steffen, P Wu, L Jia, L Jiang, Q Shen
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 449, 228-239, 2016
Postglacial rebound and fault instability in Fennoscandia
P Wu, P Johnston, K Lambeck
Geophysical Journal International 139 (3), 657-670, 1999
A GPS velocity field for Fennoscandia and a consistent comparison to glacial isostatic adjustment models
HP Kierulf, H Steffen, MJR Simpson, M Lidberg, P Wu, H Wang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (8), 6613-6629, 2014
Lateral viscosity variations beneath Antarctica and their implications on regional rebound motions and seismotectonics
G Kaufmann, P Wu, ER Ivins
Journal of Geodynamics 39 (2), 165-181, 2005
Postglacial sealevels on a spherical, self-gravitating viscoelastic earth: effects of lateral viscosity variations in the upper mantle on the inference of viscosity contrasts …
P Wu, W van der Wal
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 211 (1-2), 57-68, 2003
Dependence of horizontal stress magnitude on load dimension in glacial rebound models
P Johnston, P Wu, K Lambeck
Geophysical Journal International 132 (1), 41-60, 1998
Can deglaciation trigger earthquakes in N. America?
P Wu, P Johnston
Geophysical Research Letters 27 (9), 1323-1326, 2000
Increased water storage in North America and Scandinavia from GRACE gravity data
H Wang, L Jia, H Steffen, P Wu, L Jiang, H Hsu, L Xiang, Z Wang, B Hu
Nature Geoscience 6 (1), 38-42, 2013
The viscosities of the Earth's mantle
WR Peltier, P Wu, DA Yuen
Anelasticity in the Earth 4, 59-77, 1981
Intraplate seismicity in northern Central Europe is induced by the last glaciation
C Brandes, H Steffen, R Steffen, P Wu
Geology 43 (7), 611-614, 2015
Induced stresses and fault potential in eastern Canada due to a realistic load: a preliminary analysis
P Wu, HS Hasegawa
Geophysical Journal International 127 (1), 215-229, 1996
Induced stresses and fault potential in eastern Canada due to a disc load: a preliminary analysis
P Wu, HS Hasegawa
Geophysical Journal International 125 (2), 415-430, 1996
Three-dimensional finite-element modeling of the glacial isostatic adjustment in Fennoscandia
H Steffen, G Kaufmann, P Wu
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 250 (1-2), 358-375, 2006
Deformation of an incompressible viscoelastic flat earth with powerlaw creep: a finite element approach
P Wu
Geophysical Journal International 108 (1), 35-51, 1992
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