Samuel Gratzl
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Lineup: Visual analysis of multi-attribute rankings
S Gratzl, A Lex, N Gehlenborg, H Pfister, M Streit
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 19 (12), 2277-2286, 2013
Opening the black box: Strategies for increased user involvement in existing algorithm implementations
T Mühlbacher, H Piringer, S Gratzl, M Sedlmair, M Streit
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 20 (12), 1643-1652, 2014
From visual exploration to storytelling and back again
S Gratzl, A Lex, N Gehlenborg, N Cosgrove, M Streit
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (3), 491-500, 2016
Domino: Extracting, comparing, and manipulating subsets across multiple tabular datasets
S Gratzl, N Gehlenborg, A Lex, H Pfister, M Streit
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 20 (12), 2023-2032, 2014
Uplift: A tangible and immersive tabletop system for casual collaborative visual analytics
B Ens, S Goodwin, A Prouzeau, F Anderson, FY Wang, S Gratzl, ...
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27 (2), 1193-1203, 2020
Taggle: Combining overview and details in tabular data visualizations
K Furmanova, S Gratzl, H Stitz, T Zichner, M Jaresova, A Lex, M Streit
Information Visualization 19 (2), 114-136, 2020
Entourage: Visualizing relationships between biological pathways using contextual subsets
A Lex, C Partl, D Kalkofen, M Streit, S Gratzl, AM Wassermann, ...
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 19 (12), 2536-2545, 2013
Furby: fuzzy force-directed bicluster visualization
M Streit, S Gratzl, M Gillhofer, A Mayr, A Mitterecker, S Hochreiter
BMC bioinformatics 15, 1-13, 2014
Pathfinder: Visual analysis of paths in graphs
C Partl, S Gratzl, M Streit, AM Wassermann, H Pfister, D Schmalstieg, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (3), 71-80, 2016
KnowledgePearls: Provenance-Based Visualization Retrieval
H Stitz, S Gratzl, H Piringer, T Zichner, M Streit
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 25 (1), 120-130, 2018
Guided visual exploration of genomic stratifications in cancer
M Streit, A Lex, S Gratzl, C Partl, D Schmalstieg, H Pfister, PJ Park, ...
Nature methods 11 (9), 884-885, 2014
Supporting the problem-solving loop: Designing highly interactive optimisation systems
J Liu, T Dwyer, G Tack, S Gratzl, K Marriott
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 27 (2), 1764-1774, 2020
Thermalplot: Visualizing multi-attribute time-series data using a thermal metaphor
H Stitz, S Gratzl, W Aigner, M Streit
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 22 (12), 2594-2607, 2015
Ordino: a visual cancer analysis tool for ranking and exploring genes, cell lines and tissue samples
M Streit, S Gratzl, H Stitz, A Wernitznig, T Zichner, C Haslinger
Bioinformatics 35 (17), 3140-3142, 2019
Viime: Visualization and integration of metabolomics experiments
R Choudhury, J Beezley, B Davis, J Tomeck, S Gratzl, L Golzarri-Arroyo, ...
Journal of open source software 5 (54), 2020
CloudGazer: A divide-and-conquer approach to monitoring and optimizing cloud-based networks
H Stitz, S Gratzl, M Krieger, M Streit
2015 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 175-182, 2015
Caleydo web: An integrated visual analysis platform for biomedical data
S Gratzl, N Gehlenborg, A Lex, H Strobelt, C Partl, M Streit
Poster Compendium of the IEEE Conference on Information Visualization …, 2015
MaterialNet: A web-based graph explorer for materials science data
R Choudhury, M Aykol, S Gratzl, J Montoya, J Hummelshøj
Journal of Open Source Software 5 (47), 2105, 2020
Ordino: visual analysis tool for ranking and exploring genes, cell lines, and tissue samples
M Streit, S Gratzl, H Stitz, A Wernitznig, T Zichner, C Haslinger
bioRxiv, 2018
VisArch: Visualisation of Performance-based Architectural Refactorings
C Trubiani, A Aleti, S Goodwin, P Jamshidi, A van Hoorn, S Gratzl
European Conference on Software Architecture, 182-190, 2020
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