Felipe Caro
Felipe Caro
Professor, UCLA Anderson School of Management
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Dynamic assortment with demand learning for seasonal consumer goods
F Caro, J Gallien
Management science 53 (2), 276-292, 2007
Fast fashion: Business model overview and research opportunities
F Caro, V Martínez-de-Albéniz
Retail supply chain management: Quantitative models and empirical studies …, 2015
Inventory management of a fast-fashion retail network
F Caro, J Gallien
Operations research 58 (2), 257-273, 2010
Clearance pricing optimization for a fast-fashion retailer
F Caro, J Gallien
Operations research 60 (6), 1404-1422, 2012
The Internet of Things (IoT) in retail: Bridging supply and demand
F Caro, R Sadr
Business Horizons 62 (1), 47-54, 2019
School redistricting: Embedding GIS tools with integer programming
F Caro, T Shirabe, M Guignard, A Weintraub
Journal of the Operational Research Society 55 (8), 836-849, 2004
Double counting in supply chain carbon footprinting
F Caro, CJ Corbett, T Tan, R Zuidwijk
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 15 (4), 545-558, 2013
Improving supplier compliance through joint and shared audits
F Caro, P Chintapalli, K Rajaram, CS Tang
Available at SSRN 2683515, 2015
Optimizing long-term production plans in underground and open-pit copper mines
R Epstein, M Goic, A Weintraub, J Catalán, P Santibáńez, R Urrutia, ...
Operations Research 60 (1), 4-17, 2012
The future of retail operations
F Caro, AG Kök, V Martínez-de-Albéniz
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 22 (1), 47-58, 2020
The state of supply chain carbon footprinting: analysis of CDP disclosures by US firms
C Blanco, F Caro, CJ Corbett
Journal of Cleaner Production 135, 1189-1197, 2016
The impact of quick response in inventory-based competition
F Caro, V Martínez-de-Albéniz
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 12 (3), 409-429, 2010
A 2-opt tabu search procedure for the multiperiod forest harvesting problem with adjacency, greenup, old growth, and even flow constraints
F Caro, M Constantino, I Martins, A Weintraub
Forest Science 49 (5), 738-751, 2003
Zara uses operations research to reengineer its global distribution process
F Caro, J Gallien, M Díaz, J García, JM Corredoira, M Montes, JA Ramos, ...
Interfaces 40 (1), 71-84, 2010
The assortment packing problem: Multiperiod assortment planning for short-lived products
F Caro, V Martínez-de-Albéniz, P Rusmevichientong
Management Science 60 (11), 2701-2721, 2014
Product and price competition with satiation effects
F Caro, V Martínez-de-Albéniz
Management Science 58 (7), 1357-1373, 2012
An inside perspective on carbon disclosure
C Blanco, F Caro, CJ Corbett
Business Horizons 60 (5), 635-646, 2017
Can brands claim ignorance? Unauthorized subcontracting in apparel supply chains
F Caro, L Lane, A Sáez de Tejada Cuenca
Management Science 67 (4), 2010-2028, 2021
Believing in analytics: Managers’ adherence to price recommendations from a DSS
F Caro, AS de Tejada Cuenca
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 25 (2), 524-542, 2023
Estimating the environmental and economic impacts of widespread adoption of potential technology solutions to reduce water use and pollution: Application to China's textile …
L Chen, F Caro, CJ Corbett, X Ding
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 79, 106293, 2019
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Articles 1–20