Jakub Stoklosa
Jakub Stoklosa
School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New South Wales
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Small population size and extremely low levels of genetic diversity in island populations of the platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus
E Furlan, J Stoklosa, J Griffiths, N Gust, R Ellis, RM Huggins, AR Weeks
Ecology and Evolution 2 (4), 844-857, 2012
Three points to consider when choosing a LM or GLM test for count data
DI Warton, M Lyons, J Stoklosa, AR Ives
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7 (8), 882-890, 2016
Model-based thinking for community ecology
DI Warton, SD Foster, G De’ath, J Stoklosa, PK Dunstan
Plant Ecology 216, 669-682, 2015
Genetic rescue increases fitness and aids rapid recovery of an endangered marsupial population
AR Weeks, D Heinze, L Perrin, J Stoklosa, AA Hoffmann, A van Rooyen, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 1071, 2017
Conservation of genetic uniqueness of populations may increase extinction likelihood of endangered species: the case of Australian mammals
AR Weeks, J Stoklosa, AA Hoffmann
Frontiers in Zoology 13 (1), 31, 2016
Does morphology predict trophic position and habitat use of ant species and assemblages?
H Gibb, J Stoklosa, DI Warton, AM Brown, NR Andrew, SA Cunningham
Oecologia 177, 519-531, 2015
A climate of uncertainty: accounting for error in climate variables for species distribution models
J Stoklosa, C Daly, SD Foster, MB Ashcroft, DI Warton
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6 (4), 412-423, 2015
The VGAM package for capture-recapture data using the conditional likelihood
TW Yee, J Stoklosa, RM Huggins
Journal of Statistical Software 65, 1-33, 2015
Terrestrial laser scanning reveals below-canopy bat trait relationships with forest structure
RV Blakey, BS Law, RT Kingsford, J Stoklosa
Remote Sensing of Environment 198, 40-51, 2017
An overview of modern applications of negative binomial modelling in ecology and biodiversity
J Stoklosa, RV Blakey, FKC Hui
Diversity 14 (5), 320, 2022
Bat communities respond positively to large‐scale thinning of forest regrowth
RV Blakey, BS Law, RT Kingsford, J Stoklosa, P Tap, K Williamson
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (6), 1694-1703, 2016
Graphical diagnostics for occupancy models with imperfect detection
DI Warton, J Stoklosa, G Guillera‐Arroita, DI MacKenzie, AH Welsh
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (4), 408-419, 2017
Floodplain habitat is disproportionately important for bats in a large river basin
RV Blakey, RT Kingsford, BS Law, J Stoklosa
Biological Conservation 215, 1-10, 2017
A robust P-spline approach to closed population capture–recapture models with time dependence and heterogeneity
J Stoklosa, RM Huggins
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 56 (2), 408-417, 2012
Fast forward selection for generalized estimating equations with a large number of predictor variables
J Stoklosa, H Gibb, DI Warton
Biometrics 70 (4), 110-120, 2014
Heterogeneous capture–recapture models with covariates: A partial likelihood approach for closed populations
J Stoklosa, WH Hwang, SH Wu, RM Huggins
Biometrics 67 (4), 1659-1665, 2011
Selecting the model for multiple imputation of missing data: Just use an IC!
F Noghrehchi, J Stoklosa, S Penev, DI Warton
Statistics in Medicine 40 (10), 2467-2497, 2021
A generalized estimating equation approach to multivariate adaptive regression splines
J Stoklosa, DI Warton
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 27 (1), 245-253, 2018
Contrasting influences of inundation and land use on the rate of floodplain restoration
SK Dawson, RT Kingsford, P Berney, JA Catford, DA Keith, J Stoklosa, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 27 (3), 663-674, 2017
Closed-population capture-recapture models with measurement error and missing observations in covariates
J Stoklosa, SM Lee, WH Hwang
Statistica Sinica 29 (2), 589-610, 2019
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Articles 1–20