Dr. Mohsen Ghoreishi
Dr. Mohsen Ghoreishi
University of Science and Technology of Mazandaran
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Cited by
Coupled particle swarm optimization method with genetic algorithm for the static–dynamic performance of the magneto-electro-elastic nanosystem
J Jiao, S Ghoreishi, Z Moradi, K Oslub
Engineering with Computers, 1-15, 2021
Improving the accuracy of network intrusion detection system in medical IoT systems through butterfly optimization algorithm
Y Li, S Ghoreishi, A Issakhov
Wireless Personal Communications 126 (3), 1999-2017, 2022
Rushing attack against routing protocols in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
SM Ghoreishi, S Abd Razak, IF Isnin, H Chizari
2014 International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies (ISBAST …, 2014
New secure identity-based and certificateless authenticated Key Agreement protocols without pairings
SM Ghoreishi, S Abd Razak, IF Isnin, H Chizari
2014 International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies (ISBAST …, 2014
A novel secure two-party identity-based authenticated key agreement protocol without bilinear pairings
SM Ghoreishi, IF Isnin, SA Razak, H Chizari
Pattern Analysis, Intelligent Security and the Internet of Things, 287-294, 2015
Secure lightweight pairing-based key-agreement cryptosystems: Issues and Challenges
SM Ghoreishi, IF Isnin
International Journal of Engineering and Technology 5 (2), 320, 2013
An efficient pairing-free certificateless authenticated two-party key agreement protocol over elliptic curves
SM Ghoreishi, IF Isnin, SA Razak, H Chizari
Pattern Analysis, Intelligent Security and the Internet of Things, 295-302, 2015
Secure and Authenticated Key Agreement protocol with minimal complexity of operations in the context of identity-based cryptosystems
SM Ghoreishi, IF Isnin, S Abd Razak, H Chizari
2015 International Conference on Computer, Communications, and Control …, 2015
Design a secure composite key-management scheme in ad-hoc networks using localization
SM Ghoreishi, M Analoui
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 9 (9), 35-49, 2009
Improve Performances of Wireless Sensor Networks for Data Transfer Based on Fuzzy Clustering and Huffman Compression.
I Molk, A.M.N.G., Ghoreishi, S.M., Ghasemi, F. and Elyasi
Journal of Sensors., 2022
Two Secure non-symmetric role Key-Agreement protocols
H Ghoreishi, S. M., Isnin, I. F., Razak, S. A., and Chizari
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 11 (5), 3369- 3374, 2016
A performance improved certificateless key agreement scheme over elliptic curve based algebraic groups
SM Ghoreishi, IF Isnin, S Abd Razak, H Chizari
Jurnal Teknologi 77 (20), 2015
Security evaluation over lightweight cryptographic protocols
SM Ghoreishi, S Abd Razak, IF Isnin, H Chizari
2014 International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies (ISBAST …, 2014
A Decentralized Ciomputationally Lightweight Key Establishment Protocol Over Elliptic Curves
SM Ghoreishi, M Amiri
New Frontiers in Communication and Intelligent Systems, 2022
A distributed two-party key establishment protocol with less computational complexity
SA Ghoreishi, S. M., Isnin, I. F., Razak
ICT4SD 2021 1, 2021
A notably efficient secret sharing scheme over elliptic curves
SA Ghoreishi, S. M., Isnin, I. F., Razak
5th ICIMR 2021 conference, 2021
A Method Of Generating A Session Key In Certificateless Public Key Infrastructure
SM Ghoreishi
MY Patent PI 2015 702,683, 2015
A Cost Effective Decentralized Session-Key Generation Method Based On Pairing Free Cryptography
SM Ghoreishi
MY Patent PI 2015 703,244, 2015
A Method Of Generating A Session Key In Certificateless Public Key Infrastructure”
H Ghoreishi, S. M., Isnin, I. F., Razak, S. A., and Chizari
MY Patent PI 2015 702,683, 2015
“A Cost Effective Decentralized Session-Key Generation Method Based On Pairing Free Cryptography”PATENT NO. PI 2015 703244
H Ghoreishi, S. M., Isnin, I. F., Razak, S. A., and Chizari
MY Patent PI 2015 703,244, 2015
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Articles 1–20