Robert A. Miller
Robert A. Miller
Professor of Economics and Strategy, Carnegie Mellon University
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Conditional choice probabilities and the estimation of dynamic models
VJ Hotz, RA Miller
The Review of Economic Studies 60 (3), 497-529, 1993
Job matching and occupational choice
RA Miller
Journal of Political economy 92 (6), 1086-1120, 1984
Conditional choice probability estimation of dynamic discrete choice models with unobserved heterogeneity
P Arcidiacono, RA Miller
Econometrica 79 (6), 1823-1867, 2011
An empirical analysis of life cycle fertility and female labor supply
VJ Hotz, RA Miller
Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 91-118, 1988
A simulation estimator for dynamic models of discrete choice
VJ Hotz, RA Miller, S Sanders, J Smith
The Review of Economic Studies 61 (2), 265-289, 1994
Empirical analysis of limit order markets
B Hollifield, RA Miller, P Sandås
The Review of Economic Studies 71 (4), 1027-1063, 2004
Household choices in equilibrium
S Altug, RA Miller
Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 543-570, 1990
The effect of work experience on female wages and labour supply
S Altuğ, RA Miller
The Review of Economic Studies 65 (1), 45-85, 1998
Gender differences in executive compensation and job mobility
GL Gayle, L Golan, RA Miller
Journal of Labor Economics 30 (4), 829-872, 2012
Estimating the gains from trade in limit‐order markets
B Hollifield, RA Miller, P Sandås, J Slive
The Journal of Finance 61 (6), 2753-2804, 2006
Has moral hazard become a more important factor in managerial compensation?
GL Gayle, RA Miller
American Economic Review 99 (5), 1740-1769, 2009
Managerial compensation and the cost of moral hazard
MM Margiotta, RA Miller
International Economic Review 41 (3), 669-719, 2000
Promotion, turnover, and compensation in the executive labor market
GL Gayle, L Golan, RA Miller
Econometrica 83 (6), 2293-2369, 2015
COVID-19: NAD+ deficiency may predispose the aged, obese and type2 diabetics to mortality through its effect on SIRT1 activity
R Miller, AR Wentzel, GA Richards
Medical hypotheses 144, 110044, 2020
Winning by Default: Why is There So Little Competition in Government Procurement?
K Kang, RA Miller
The Review of Economic Studies 89 (3), 1495-1556, 2022
Identifying dynamic discrete choice models off short panels
P Arcidiacono, RA Miller
Journal of Econometrics 215 (2), 473-485, 2020
A stochastic analysis of the tree paradigm
RA Miller, K Voltaire
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 6, 371-386, 1983
Identifying and testing models of managerial compensation
GL Gayle, RA Miller
The Review of Economic Studies 82 (3), 1074-1118, 2015
The impact of COVID-19 on radiation oncology clinics and patients with cancer in the United States
A Rivera, N Ohri, E Thomas, R Miller, MA Knoll
Advances in radiation oncology 5 (4), 538-543, 2020
Estimating models of dynamic optimization with microeconomic data
RA Miller
Handbook of Applied Econometrics Volume 2: Microeconomics, 227-274, 1999
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Articles 1–20