Joan Borrąs-Comes
Joan Borrąs-Comes
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Interactive Atlas of Romance intonation
P Prieto, J Borrąs-Comes, P Roseano
http://prosodia.upf.edu/iari, 2010
Communicating epistemic stance: How speech and gesture patterns reflect epistemicity and evidentiality
P Roseano, M Gonzįlez, J Borrąs-Comes, P Prieto
Discourse Processes 53 (3), 135-174, 2016
The role of pitch range in establishing intonational contrasts
J Borrąs-Comes, MM Vanrell, P Prieto
Journal of the International Phonetic Association 44 (1), 1-20, 2014
Intonational phonology of Catalan and its dialectal varieties
P Prieto, J Borrąs-Comes, T Cabré, V Crespo-Sendra, I Mascaró, ...
Intonation in Romance, 9-62, 2015
Beat gestures help preschoolers recall and comprehend discourse information
J Llanes-Coromina, I Vilą-Giménez, O Kushch, J Borrąs-Comes, P Prieto
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 172, 168-188, 2018
Epistemic and evidential marking in discourse: Effects of register and debatability
M Gonzįlez, P Roseano, J Borrąs-Comes, P Prieto
Lingua 186 (1), 68–87, 2017
Exploring the contribution of prosody and gesture to the perception of focus using an animated agent
P Prieto, C Puglesi, J Borrąs-Comes, E Arroyo, J Blat
Journal of Phonetics 49 (1), 41-54, 2015
Prosodic mitigation characterizes Catalan formal speech: The Frequency Code reassessed
I Hübscher, J Borrąs-Comes, P Prieto
Journal of Phonetics 65, 145-159, 2017
The timing of head movements: The role of prosodic heads and edges
N Esteve-Gibert, J Borrąs-Comes, E Asor, M Swerts, P Prieto
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141 (6), 4727-4739, 2017
Vocative intonation preferences are sensitive to politeness factors
J Borrąs-Comes, R Sichel-Bazin, P Prieto
Language and Speech 58 (1), 68-83, 2015
‘Seeing tunes.’ The role of visual gestures in tune interpretation
J Borrąs-Comes, P Prieto
Laboratory Phonology 2 (2), 355-380, 2011
Prosody and gesture constrain the interpretation of double negation
P Prieto, J Borrąs-Comes, S Tubau, MT Espinal
Lingua 131 (7), 136-150, 2013
Double negation in Catalan and Spanish. Interaction between syntax and prosody
MT Espinal, S Tubau, J Borrąs-Comes, P Prieto
Negation and polarity: Experimental perspectives, 145-176, 2016
Audiovisual correlates of interrogativity: A comparative analysis of Catalan and Dutch
J Borras-Comes, C Kaland, P Prieto, M Swerts
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 38 (1), 53-66, 2014
Question intonation contours as dynamic epistemic operators
P Prieto, J Borrąs-Comes
Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 2017
Perceiving uncertainty: facial gestures, intonation, and lexical choice
J Borrąs-Comes, P Roseano, MM Vanrell, A Chen, P Prieto
2n Conference on Gesture and Speech in Interaction [GESPIN 2011], 2011
The acquisition of melodic form and meaning in yes-no interrogatives by Catalan and Spanish speaking children
J Thorson, J Borras-Comes, V Crespo-Sendra, MM Vanrell, P Prieto
Probus 27 (1), 73-99, 2015
The acquisition of coda consonants by Catalan and Spanish children: Effects of prominence and frequency of exposure
J Borrąs-Comes, P Prieto
Probus 26 (1), 59-82, 2014
Relating (Un)acceptability to Interpretation. Experimental Investigations on Negation
U Etxeberria, S Tubau, V Deprez, J Borrąs-Comes, MT Espinal
Frontiers in psychology 8, 2370, 2018
How speakers interpret the negative markers ‘no’ and ‘no…pas’ in Catalan
S Tubau, V Déprez, J Borrąs-Comes, MT Espinal
Probus, 2017
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