Thomas de Vroome
Thomas de Vroome
Netherlands Public Prosecution Service
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The Employment Experience of Refugees in the Netherlands
T De Vroome, F Van Tubergen
International Migration Review 44 (2), 376-403, 2010
The cognitive basis of trust. The relation between education, cognitive ability, and generalized and political trust
M Hooghe, S Marien, T De Vroome
Intelligence 40 (6), 604-613, 2012
Host National Identification of Immigrants in the N etherlands
T De Vroome, M Verkuyten, B Martinovic
International Migration Review 48 (1), 76-102, 2014
The Integration Paradox: Level of Education and Immigrants’ Attitudes towards Natives and the Host Society
T de Vroome, B Martinovic, M Verkuyten
Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 20 (2), 166-175, 2014
The perception of ethnic diversity and anti-immigrant sentiments: a multilevel analysis of local communities in Belgium
M Hooghe, T de Vroome
Ethnic and Racial Studies 38 (1), 38-56, 2015
How does education have an impact on ethnocentrism? A structural equation analysis of cognitive, occupational status and network mechanisms
C Meeusen, T de Vroome, M Hooghe
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 37 (5), 507-522, 2013
Life Satisfaction among Ethnic Minorities in the Netherlands: Immigration Experience or Adverse Living Conditions?
T de Vroome, M Hooghe
Journal of Happiness Studies 15 (6), 1389-1406, 2014
Return wishes of refugees in the Netherlands: The role of integration, host national identification and perceived discrimination
F Di Saint Pierre, B Martinovic, T De Vroome
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 41 (11), 1836-1857, 2015
The Origins of Generalized and Political Trust among Immigrant Minorities and the Majority Population in the Netherlands
T de Vroome, M Hooghe, S Marien
European Sociological Review 29 (6), 1336-1350, 2013
How Does the Majority Public React to Multiculturalist Policies? A Comparative Analysis of European Countries
M Hooghe, T de Vroome
American Behavioral Scientist 59 (6), 747-768, 2015
Settlement Intentions of Recently Arrived Immigrants and Refugees in the Netherlands
T de Vroome, F van Tubergen
Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 12 (1), 47-66, 2014
Economic Participation and National Self‐Identification of Refugees in the Netherlands
T de Vroome, M Coenders, F van Tubergen, M Verkuyten
International Migration Review 45 (3), 615-638, 2011
Extending trust to immigrants: Generalized trust, cross-group friendship and anti-immigrant sentiments in 21 European societies
M Van der Linden, M Hooghe, T de Vroome, C Van Laar
PloS one 12 (5), e0177369, 2017
Television and anti-immigrant sentiments: The mediating role of fear of crime and perceived ethnic diversity
L Jacobs, M Hooghe, T de Vroome
European Societies 19 (3), 243-267, 2017
Does fear of crime contribute to anti-immigrant sentiments? An analysis of police records and survey data in Belgian communities
T de Vroome, M Hooghe
Dag van de Sociologie XIV, Antwerpen (B), 28 May 2014, 2014
“Why should I?”: Adolescents’ motivations to regulate prejudice in relation to their norm perceptions and ethnic attitudes
J Thijs, N Gharaei, T de Vroome
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 53, 83-94, 2016
Labour market participation and immigrants’ acculturation
T De Vroome, M Verkuyten
Towards inclusive organizations, 12-28, 2014
Middelengebruik bij jongens in Justitiële Jeugdinrichtingen
A Kepper, V Veen, K Monshouwer, G Stevens, W Drost, T de Vroome, ...
Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2009
Een kwestie van tijd?
M Maliepaard, B Witkamp, R Jennissen, I Kulu-Glasgow, B Kazemier, ...
WODC, 2017
Explaining the ethnic minority disadvantage in subjective well-being: A multilevel analysis of European countries
T de Vroome, M Hooghe
A new research agenda for improvements in quality of life, 87-108, 2015
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