Marija Despenic (Milenkovic)
Cited by
Cited by
A Distributed PIR-based Approach for Estimating People Count in Office Environments.
F Wahl, M Milenkovic, O Amft
CSE, 640-647, 2012
Lighting preference profiles of users in an open office environment
M Despenic, S Chraibi, T Lashina, A Rosemann
Building and Environment 116, 89-107, 2017
An opportunistic activity-sensing approach to save energy in office buildings
M Milenkovic, O Amft
Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Future energy systems …, 2013
Recognizing energy-related activities using sensors commonly installed in office buildings
M Milenkovic, O Amft
Procedia Computer Science 19, 669-677, 2013
Data science in healthcare: Benefits, challenges and opportunities
Z Abedjan, N Boujemaa, S Campbell, P Casla, S Chatterjea, S Consoli, ...
Data science for healthcare, 3-38, 2019
A green autonomous self-sustaining sensor node for counting people in office environments
F Wahl, M Milenkovic, O Amft
2012 5th European DSP Education and Research Conference (EDERC), 203-207, 2012
Sharing lighting control in an open office: Doing one's best to avoid conflict
T Lashina, S Chraibi, M Despenic, P Shrubsole, A Rosemann, ...
Building and Environment 148, 1-10, 2019
A comparison of lighting control strategies for open offices
T Lashina, S van der Vleuten-Chraibi, M Despenic, P Shrubsole, ...
Building and Environment 149, 68-78, 2019
Data-driven artificial intelligence for european economic competitiveness and societal progress: BDVA position statement, November 2018
S Zillner, JA Gomez, AG Robles, E Curry, C Södergård, N Boujemaa, ...
Lighting system
S Chraibi, TA Lashina, M Despenic
US Patent 10,588,198, 2020
Technical Research Priorities for Big Data
E Curry, S Zillner, A Metzger, AJ Berre, S Auer, R Walshe, M Despenic, ...
The Elements of Big Data Value, 97, 2021
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Articles 1–11