Sjors Overman
Sjors Overman
Utrecht School of Governance, Utrecht University
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Agencification and public sector performance: A systematic comparison in 20 countries
S Overman, S Van Thiel
Public Management Review 18 (4), 611-635, 2016
Government 2.0: Key challenges to its realization
A Meijer, EJ Koops, W Pieterson, S Overman, S Ten Tije
Electronic journal of e-Government 101 (1), 59-69, 2012
Great expectations of public service delegation: A systematic review
S Overman
Public Management Review 18 (8), 1238-1262, 2016
Toward a Public Administration Theory of Felt Accountability
S Overman, T Schillemans
Public Administration Review, 2021
A Multidimensional Reputation Barometer for Public Agencies: A Validated Instrument
S Overman, M Busuioc, M Wood
Public Administration Review 80 (3), 415-425, 2020
A validated measurement for felt relational accountability in the public sector: gauging the account holder’s legitimacy and expertise
S Overman, T Schillemans, S Grimmelikhuijsen
Public Management Review 23 (12), 1748-1767, 2021
Understanding Felt Accountability: The institutional antecedents of the felt accountability of agency‐CEO's to central government
T Schillemans, S Overman, P Fawcett, M Flinders, M Fredriksson, ...
Governance 34 (3), 893-916, 2021
Accountability after structural disaggregation: Comparing agency accountability arrangements
S Overman, M Van Genugten, S Van Thiel
Public Administration 93 (4), 1102-1120, 2015
Resisting governmental control: how semi-autonomous agencies use strategic resources to challenge state coordination
S Overman, S Van Thiel, F Lafarge
International Review of Administrative Sciences 80 (1), 172-192, 2014
Autonomous agencies, happy citizens? Challenging the satisfaction claim
S Overman
Governance 30 (2), 211-227, 2017
Aligning accountability arrangements for ambiguous goals: the case of museums
S Overman
Public Management Review 23 (8), 1139-1159, 2021
Enacting accountability under populist pressures: Theorizing the relationship between anti-elite rhetoric and public accountability
M Wood, F Matthews, S Overman, T Schillemans
Administration & Society 54 (2), 311-334, 2022
Conflictual accountability: Behavioral responses to conflictual accountability of agencies
T Schillemans, S Overman, P Fawcett, M Flinders, M Fredriksson, ...
Administration & Society 53 (8), 1232-1262, 2021
Targets for Honesty: How Performance Indicators Shape Integrity in Dutch Higher Education
S Overman, A Akkerman, R Torenvlied
Public Administration 94 (4), 1140–1154, 2016
Great expectations of autonomous agencies
S Overman
PhD thesis) Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands, 2016
Public sector accountability styles in Europe comparing accountability and control of agencies in the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland and the UK
T Schillemans, S Overman, M Flinders, P Laegreid, M Maggetti, ...
Public Policy and Administration 39 (1), 125-146, 2024
Comparing governance, agencies and accountability in seven countries: CPA Survey Report
SP Overman, T Schillemans, P Laegreid, P Fawcett, M Fredriksson, ...
Urecht University School of Governance, 2018
How creating semiautonomous agencies affects staff satisfaction
S Overman
Public Performance & Management Review 43 (2), 433-460, 2020
Accountability and regulatory authorities
S Overman, T Schillemans, M van der Heijden
Handbook of Regulatory Authorities, 255-272, 2022
Uitvoeringsorganisaties tussen staat en straat: De relevantie van maatschappelijke verantwoording voor directeuren van ZBO’s en agentschappen
L Brummel, S Overman, T Schillemans
Bestuurswetenschappen 75 (1), 27-45, 2021
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