Bruno Andrieu
Bruno Andrieu
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Functional–structural plant modelling: a new versatile tool in crop science
J Vos, JB Evers, GH Buck-Sorlin, B Andrieu, M Chelle, PHB De Visser
Journal of experimental Botany 61 (8), 2101-2115, 2010
Extraction of vegetation biophysical parameters by inversion of the PROSPECT+ SAIL models on sugar beet canopy reflectance data. Application to TM and AVIRIS sensors
S Jacquemoud, F Baret, B Andrieu, FM Danson, K Jaggard
Remote sensing of environment 52 (3), 163-172, 1995
Multiple pathways regulate shoot branching
C Rameau, J Bertheloot, N Leduc, B Andrieu, F Foucher, S Sakr
Frontiers in plant science 5, 741, 2015
A 3D architectural and process-based model of maize development
C Fournier, B Andrieu
Annals of botany 81 (2), 233-250, 1998
The nested radiosity model for the distribution of light within plant canopies
M Chelle, B Andrieu
Ecological modelling 111 (1), 75-91, 1998
Cessation of tillering in spring wheat in relation to light interception and red: far-red ratio
JB Evers, JAN Vos, B Andrieu, PC Struik
Annals of Botany 97 (4), 649-658, 2006
Maize leaves turn away from neighbors
GA Maddonni, ME Otegui, B Andrieu, M Chelle, JJ Casal
Plant physiology 130 (3), 1181-1189, 2002
ADEL-maize: An L-system based model for the integration of growth processes from the organ to the canopy. Application to regulation of morphogenesis by light
C Fournier, B Andrieu
Agronomie 19 (3), 313, 1999
Dynamics of light and nitrogen distribution during grain filling within wheat canopy
J Bertheloot, P Martre, B Andrieu
Plant physiology 148 (3), 1707-1720, 2008
Carbon and nitrogen allocation and grain filling in three maize hybrids differing in leaf senescence
B Pommel, A Gallais, M Coque, I Quilleré, B Hirel, JL Prioul, B Andrieu, ...
European Journal of Agronomy 24 (3), 203-211, 2006
ADEL-wheat: a 3D architectural model of wheat development
C Fournier, B Andrieu, S Ljutovac, S Saint-Jean
Plant growth modeling and applications, 54-63, 2003
Towards a generic architectural model of tillering in Gramineae, as exemplified by spring wheat (Triticum aestivum)
JB Evers, J Vos, C Fournier, B Andrieu, M Chelle, PC Struik
New Phytologist 166 (3), 801-812, 2005
Light interception of contrasting azimuth canopies under square and rectangular plant spatial distributions: simulations and crop measurements
GA Maddonni, M Chelle, JL Drouet, B Andrieu
Field Crops Research 70 (1), 1-13, 2001
Computer stereo plotting for 3-D reconstruction of a maize canopy
N Ivanov, P Boissard, M Chapron, B Andrieu
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 75 (1-3), 85-102, 1995
A functional–structural model of elongation of the grass leaf and its relationships with the phyllochron
C Fournier, JL Durand, S Ljutovac, R Schäufele, F Gastal, B Andrieu
New Phytologist 166 (3), 881-894, 2005
Modeling maize canopy 3D architecture: Application to reflectance simulation
ML España, F Baret, F Aries, M Chelle, B Andrieu, L Prévot
Ecological Modelling 122 (1-2), 25-43, 1999
Simulating the effects of localized red:far‐red ratio on tillering in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) using a three‐dimensional virtual plant model
JB Evers, J Vos, M Chelle, B Andrieu, C Fournier, PC Struik
New Phytologist 176 (2), 325-336, 2007
Evaluation of an improved version of SAIL model for simulating bidirectional reflectance of sugar beet canopies
B Andrieu, F Baret, S Jacquemoud, T Malthus, M Steven
Remote sensing of environment 60 (3), 247-257, 1997
Physiology of maize II: Identification of physiological markers representative of the nitrogen status of maize (Zea mays) leaves during grain filling
B Hirel, B Andrieu, MH Valadier, S Renard, I Quilleré, M Chelle, ...
Physiologia Plantarum 124 (2), 178-188, 2005
The geometrical structure of plant canopies: characterization and direct measurement methods
H Sinoquet, B Andrieu
Crop structure and light microclimate, Vol. 0, INRA Editions, Paris, 131-158, 1993
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Articles 1–20