Josianne Marsan
Josianne Marsan
Full Professor, Information Systems - FSA ULaval
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Cited by
Adjusting to epidemic-induced telework: Empirical insights from teleworkers in France
K Carillo, G Cachat-Rosset, J Marsan, T Saba, A Klarsfeld
European Journal of Information Systems 30 (1), 69-88, 2021
Gig-workers’ motivation: thinking beyond carrots and sticks
N Jabagi, AM Croteau, LK Audebrand, J Marsan
Journal of Managerial Psychology 34 (4), 192-213, 2019
Barriers to organizational adoption of EMR systems in family physician practices: A mixed-methods study in Canada
G Paré, L Raymond, AO Guinea, P Poba-Nzaou, MC Trudel, J Marsan, ...
International Journal of Medical Informatics 83 (8), 548–553, 2014
Improving performance in medical practices through the extended use of electronic medical record systems: a survey of Canadian family physicians
L Raymond, G Paré, AO de Guinea, P Poba-Nzaou, MC Trudel, J Marsan, ...
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 15 (1), 27, 2015
Re-examining the causal structure of information technology impact research
G Paré, S Bourdeau, J Marsan, H Nach, S Shuraida
European Journal of Information Systems 17 (4), 403-416, 2008
Adoption of open source software in organizations: A socio-cognitive perspective
J Marsan, G Paré, A Beaudry
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 21 (4), 257-273, 2012
Antecedents of open source software adoption in health care organizations: A qualitative survey of experts in Canada
J Marsan, G Paré
International journal of medical informatics 82 (8), 731-741, 2013
Electronic health record usage behaviors in primary care medical practices: A survey of family physicians in Canada
G Paré, L Raymond, AO de Guinea, P Poba-Nzaou, MC Trudel, J Marsan, ...
International journal of medical informatics 84 (10), 857-867, 2015
Ceiling effect in EMR system assimilation: a multiple case study in primary care family practices
MC Trudel, J Marsan, G Paré, L Raymond, AO de Guinea, É Maillet, ...
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 17 (1), 46, 2017
Laboratory testing in primary care: a systematic review of health IT impacts
É Maillet, G Paré, LM Currie, L Raymond, AO de Guinea, MC Trudel, ...
International journal of medical informatics 116, 52-69, 2018
Towards an interdisciplinary, socio-technical analysis of software ecosystem health
T Mens, B Adams, J Marsan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.04532, 2017
Has open source software been institutionalized in organizations or not?
J Marsan, G Paré, MD Wybo
Information and Software Technology 54 (12), 1308-1316, 2012
IT vendors’ legitimation strategies and market share: The case of EMR systems
G Paré, J Marsan, M Jaana, H Tamim, R Lukyanenko
Information & Management 57 (5), 103291, 2020
Toward Solving Social and Technical Problems in Open Source Software Ecosystems: Using Cause-and-Effect Analysis to Disentangle the Causes of Complex Problems
J Marsan, M Templier, P Marois, B Adams, K Carillo, GL Mopenza
IEEE Software 36 (1), 34-41, 2019
Entrepreneurial actions and the legitimation of free/open source software services
J Marsan, KDA Carillo, B Negoita
Journal of Information Technology 35 (2), 143-160, 2020
Unlocking Perceived Algorithmic Autonomy-Support: Scale Development and Validation
N Jabagi, AM Croteau, L Audebrand, J Marsan
Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 6492, 2021
Healthcare service innovation based on information technology: The role of social values alignment
J Marsan, L Audebrand, AM Croteau, G Magnin
Systèmes d'Information et Management (French Journal of Management …, 2017
“The Dose Makes the Poison”-Exploring the Toxicity Phenomenon in Online Communities
KDA Carillo, J Marsan
Migrating a software factory to design thinking: Paying attention to people and mind-sets
N Mahé, B Adams, J Marsan, M Templier, S Bissonnette
IEEE Software 37 (2), 32-40, 2019
Towards Developing a Theory of Toxicity in the Context of Free/Open Source Software & Peer Production Communities
KDA Carillo, J Marsan, B Negoita
SIGOPEN 2016 Developmental Workshop for Openness Research - ICIS 2016, 2016
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Articles 1–20