Maurice Donners
Maurice Donners
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Effect of spectral composition of artificial light on the attraction of moths
F van Langevelde, JA Ettema, M Donners, MF WallisDeVries, ...
Biological conservation 144 (9), 2274-2281, 2011
Green light for nocturnally migrating birds
H Poot, BJ Ens, H de Vries, MAH Donners, MR Wernand, JM Marquenie
Ecology and Society 13 (2), 2008
Experimental illumination of natural habitat—an experimental set-up to assess the direct and indirect ecological consequences of artificial light of different spectral composition
K Spoelstra, RHA van Grunsven, M Donners, P Gienapp, ME Huigens, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370 …, 2015
Response of bats to light with different spectra: light-shy and agile bat presence is affected by white and green, but not red light
K Spoelstra, RHA van Grunsven, JJC Ramakers, KB Ferguson, T Raap, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1855), 20170075, 2017
Spectral composition of light sources and insect phototaxis, with an evaluation of existing spectral response models
RHA van Grunsven, M Donners, K Boekee, I Tichelaar, KG Van Geffen, ...
Journal of insect conservation 18, 225-231, 2014
Artificial night lighting disrupts sex pheromone in a noctuid moth
KG Van Geffen, AT Groot, RHA Van Grunsven, M Donners, F Berendse, ...
Ecological Entomology 40 (4), 401-408, 2015
Colors of attraction: Modeling insect flight to light behavior
M Donners, RHA van Grunsven, D Groenendijk, F van Langevelde, ...
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological and Integrative …, 2018
Experimental light at night has a negative long-term impact on macro-moth populations
RHA van Grunsven, JR van Deijk, M Donners, F Berendse, ME Visser, ...
Current Biology 30 (12), R694-R695, 2020
Behaviour of migrating toads under artificial lights differs from other phases of their life cycle
RHA Van Grunsven, R Creemers, K Joosten, M Donners, EM Veenendaal
Amphibia-Reptilia 38 (1), 49-55, 2017
A psychophysical model for visual discomfort based on receptive fields
GH Scheir, M Donners, LM Geerdinck, M Vissenberg, P Hanselaer, ...
Lighting Research & Technology 50 (2), 205-217, 2018
A psychophysical model of discomfort glare in both outdoor and indoor applications
MAH Donners, M Vissenberg, LM Geerdinck, JHF Van Den Broek-Cools, ...
Proceedings of 28th CIE Session 216, 2015, 2015
A large-scale real-life crowd steering experiment via arrow-like stimuli
A Corbetta, W Kroneman, M Donners, A Haans, P Ross, M Trouwborst, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.09801, 2018
Adsorption and kinetic effects on crack growth in MnZn ferrites
MAH Donners, L Dortmans, G De With
Journal of Materials Research 15, 1377-1388, 2000
Animal-adapted illumination method and system
MAH Donners
US Patent 8,541,949, 2013
Glare quantification for indoor volleyball
M Pakkert, ALP Rosemann, J van Duijnhoven, MAH Donners
Building and Environment 143, 48-58, 2018
Bird-friendly light sources: Adapting the spectral composition of artificial lighting
J Marquenie, M Donners, H Poot, W Steckel, B de Wit
IEEE Industry Applications Magazine 19 (2), 56-62, 2013
Daylight Shielding Device
EJM Paulussen, MAH Donners, TGMM Kappen, MJ Van Der Meij, ...
US Patent App. 11/914,244, 2008
Correspondence: Obtrusive light, light pollution and sky glow: Areas for research, development and standardisation
AK Jägerbrand, D Gasparovsky, CA Bouroussis, LJM Schlangen, S Lau, ...
Lighting Research & Technology 54 (2), 191-194, 2022
Immersed LEDs
E Boonekamp, JP Jacobs, MAH Donners
US Patent 7,905,635, 2011
Fracture of MnZn ferrites
MAH Donners
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Articles 1–20