HTC Stoof
HTC Stoof
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University
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Threshold and resonance phenomena in ultracold ground-state collisions
E Tiesinga, BJ Verhaar, HTC Stoof
Physical Review A 47 (5), 4114, 1993
Quantum phases in an optical lattice
D Van Oosten, P van der Straten, HTC Stoof
Physical Review A 63 (5), 053601, 2001
Ultracold quantum fields
HTC Stoof, KB Gubbels, D Dickerscheid
Springer, 2009
Superfluidity of Spin-Polarized Li
HTC Stoof, M Houbiers, CA Sackett, RG Hulet
Physical review letters 76 (1), 10, 1996
Skyrmions in a ferromagnetic Bose–Einstein condensate
U Al Khawaja, H Stoof
Nature 411 (6840), 918-920, 2001
Conditions for Bose-Einstein condensation in magnetically trapped atomic cesium
E Tiesinga, AJ Moerdijk, BJ Verhaar, HTC Stoof
Physical Review A 46 (3), R1167, 1992
Deformation of a trapped Fermi gas with unequal spin populations
GB Partridge, W Li, YA Liao, RG Hulet, M Haque, HTC Stoof
Physical review letters 97 (19), 190407, 2006
Spin-exchange and dipole relaxation rates in atomic hydrogen: Rigorous and simplified calculations
HTC Stoof, J Koelman, BJ Verhaar
Physical Review B 38 (7), 4688, 1988
Atom–molecule coherence in Bose gases
RA Duine, HTC Stoof
Physics Reports 396 (3), 115-195, 2004
Bright soliton trains of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates
U Al Khawaja, HTC Stoof, RG Hulet, KE Strecker, GB Partridge
Physical review letters 89 (20), 200404, 2002
Superfluid state of atomic 6 Li in a magnetic trap
M Houbiers, R Ferwerda, HTC Stoof, WI McAlexander, CA Sackett, ...
Physical Review A 56 (6), 4864, 1997
Coherent versus incoherent dynamics during Bose-Einstein condensation in atomic gases
HTC Stoof
Journal of low temperature physics 114, 11-108, 1999
Phonon exchange in dilute Fermi-Bose mixtures: Tailoring the Fermi-Fermi interaction
MJ Bijlsma, BA Heringa, HTC Stoof
Physical Review A 61 (5), 053601, 2000
Growth and collapse of a Bose-Einstein condensate with attractive interactions
CA Sackett, HTC Stoof, RG Hulet
Physical review letters 80 (10), 2031, 1998
Elastic and inelastic collisions of 6 Li atoms in magnetic and optical traps
M Houbiers, HTC Stoof, WI McAlexander, RG Hulet
Physical Review A 57 (3), R1497, 1998
Atomic Bose gas with a negative scattering length
HTC Stoof
Physical Review A 49 (5), 3824, 1994
Precise atomic radiative lifetime via photoassociative spectroscopy of ultracold lithium
WI McAlexander, ERI Abraham, NWM Ritchie, CJ Williams, HTC Stoof, ...
Physical Review A 51 (2), R871, 1995
Renormalization group theory of the three-dimensional dilute Bose gas
M Bijlsma, HTC Stoof
Physical Review A 54 (6), 5085, 1996
Collective excitations, NMR, and phase transitions in skyrme crystals
R Côté, AH MacDonald, L Brey, HA Fertig, SM Girvin, HTC Stoof
Physical review letters 78 (25), 4825, 1997
Low dimensional Bose gases
U Al Khawaja, JO Andersen, NP Proukakis, HTC Stoof
Physical Review A 66 (1), 013615, 2002
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