Robert Kaptein
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AQUA and PROCHECK-NMR: programs for checking the quality of protein structures solved by NMR
RA Laskowski, JAC Rullmann, MW MacArthur, R Kaptein, JM Thornton
Journal of biomolecular NMR 8, 477-486, 1996
Recommendations for the presentation of NMR structures of proteins and nucleic acids–IUPAC-IUBMB-IUPAB Inter-Union Task Group on the standardization of data bases of protein …
JL Markley, A Bax, Y Arata, CW Hilbers, R Kaptein, BD Sykes, PE Wright, ...
Journal of biomolecular NMR 12, 1-23, 1998
Solution structure of the glucocorticoid receptor DNA-binding domain
T Härd, E Kellenbach, R Boelens, BA Maler, K Dahlman, LP Freedman, ...
Science 249 (4965), 157-160, 1990
The nisin–lipid II complex reveals a pyrophosphate cage that provides a blueprint for novel antibiotics
STD Hsu, E Breukink, E Tischenko, MAG Lutters, B De Kruijff, R Kaptein, ...
Nature structural & molecular biology 11 (10), 963-967, 2004
Structure and flexibility adaptation in nonspecific and specific protein-DNA complexes
CG Kalodimos, N Biris, AMJJ Bonvin, MM Levandoski, M Guennuegues, ...
Science 305 (5682), 386-389, 2004
A protein structure from nuclear magnetic resonance data: lac repressor headpiece
R Kaptein, ERP Zuiderweg, RM Scheek, R Boelens, WF Van Gunsteren
Journal of molecular biology 182 (1), 179-182, 1985
Chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization II:(Relation with anomalous ESR spectra)
R Kaptein, JL Oosterhoff
Chemical Physics Letters 4 (4), 195-197, 1969
Proton-decoupled NMR. Spectra of carbon-13 with the nuclear Overhauser effect suppressed
R Freeman, HDW Hill, R Kaptein
Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969) 7 (3), 327-329, 1972
RECOORD: a recalculated coordinate database of 500+ proteins from the PDB using restraints from the BioMagResBank
AJ Nederveen, JF Doreleijers, W Vranken, Z Miller, CAEM Spronk, ...
PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 59 (4), 662-672, 2005
Simple rules for chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization
R Kaptein
Journal of the Chemical Society D: Chemical Communications, 732-733, 1971
Chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization. VIII. Spin dynamics and diffusion of radical pairs
R Kaptein
Journal of the American Chemical Society 94 (18), 6251-6262, 1972
Thiol ester-linked p-coumaric acid as a new photoactive prosthetic group in a protein with rhodopsin-like photochemistry
WD Hoff, P Dux, K Hard, B Devreese, IM Nugteren-Roodzant, W Crielaard, ...
Biochemistry 33 (47), 13959-13962, 1994
Iterative procedure for structure determination from proton-proton NOEs using a full relaxation matrix approach. Application to a DNA octamer
R Boelens, TMG Koning, GA Van der Marel, JH Van Boom, R Kaptein
Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969) 82 (2), 290-308, 1989
The DNA-binding domain of HIV-1 integrase has an SH3-like fold
APAM Eijkelenboom, RA Puras Lutzke, R Boelens, RHA Plasterk, ...
Nature structural biology 2 (9), 807-810, 1995
Determination of biomolecular structures from proton-proton NOE's using a relaxation matrix approach
R Boelens, TMG Koning, R Kaptein
Journal of Molecular Structure 173, 299-311, 1988
Chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization III (anomalous multiplets of radical coupling and disproportionation products)
R Kaptein, LJ Oosterhoff
Chemical Physics Letters 4 (4), 214-216, 1969
Sequential resonance assignments in proton NMR spectra of oligonucleotides by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy
RM Scheek, R Boelens, N Russo, JH Van Boom, R Kaptein
Biochemistry 23 (7), 1371-1376, 1984
Implementation of a combined SAXS/WAXS/QEXAFS set-up for time-resolved in situ experiments
S Nikitenko, AM Beale, AMJ Van Der Eerden, SDM Jacques, O Leynaud, ...
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 15 (6), 632-640, 2008
Protein structures from NMR
R Kaptein, R Boelens, RM Scheek, WF Van Gunsteren
Biochemistry 27 (15), 5389-5395, 1988
Sequential resonance assignments in DNA proton NMR spectra by two-dimensional NOE spectroscopy
RM Scheek, N Russo, R Boelens, R Kaptein, JH Van Boom
Journal of the American Chemical Society 105 (9), 2914-2916, 1983
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