D. Frank Ogletree
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Cited by
Probing the interaction between two single molecules: fluorescence resonance energy transfer between a single donor and a single acceptor.
T Ha, T Enderle, DF Ogletree, DS Chemla, PR Selvin, S Weiss
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (13), 6264-6268, 1996
Monolayer behaviour in bulk ReS2 due to electronic and vibrational decoupling
S Tongay, H Sahin, C Ko, A Luce, W Fan, K Liu, J Zhou, YS Huang, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3252, 2014
Calibration of frictional forces in atomic force microscopy
DF Ogletree, RW Carpick, M Salmeron
Review of Scientific Instruments 67 (9), 3298-3306, 1996
Origin of reversible photoinduced phase separation in hybrid perovskites
CG Bischak, CL Hetherington, H Wu, S Aloni, DF Ogletree, DT Limmer, ...
Nano letters 17 (2), 1028-1033, 2017
Strain engineering and one-dimensional organization of metal–insulator domains in single-crystal vanadium dioxide beams
J Cao, E Ertekin, V Srinivasan, W Fan, S Huang, H Zheng, JWL Yim, ...
Nature nanotechnology 4 (11), 732-737, 2009
Electron spectroscopy of aqueous solution interfaces reveals surface enhancement of halides
S Ghosal, JC Hemminger, H Bluhm, BS Mun, ELD Hebenstreit, G Ketteler, ...
Science 307 (5709), 563-566, 2005
A differentially pumped electrostatic lens system for photoemission studies in the millibar range
DF Ogletree, H Bluhm, G Lebedev, CS Fadley, Z Hussain, M Salmeron
Review of Scientific Instruments 73 (11), 3872-3877, 2002
A general equation for fitting contact area and friction vs load measurements
RW Carpick, DF Ogletree, M Salmeron
Journal of colloid and interface science 211 (2), 395-400, 1999
Imaging the condensation and evaporation of molecularly thin films of water with nanometer resolution
J Hu, XD Xiao, DF Ogletree, M Salmeron
Science 268 (5208), 267-269, 1995
Lateral stiffness: a new nanomechanical measurement for the determination of shear strengths with friction force microscopy
RW Carpick, DF Ogletree, M Salmeron
Applied Physics Letters 70 (12), 1548-1550, 1997
The Nature of Water Nucleation Sites on TiO2(110) Surfaces Revealed by Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
G Ketteler, S Yamamoto, H Bluhm, K Andersson, DE Starr, DF Ogletree, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (23), 8278-8282, 2007
Facet-dependent photovoltaic efficiency variations in single grains of hybrid halide perovskite
SY Leblebici, L Leppert, Y Li, SE Reyes-Lillo, S Wickenburg, E Wong, ...
Nature Energy 1 (8), 1-7, 2016
Measurement of interfacial shear (friction) with an ultrahigh vacuum atomic force microscope
RW Carpick, N Agrait, DF Ogletree, M Salmeron
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer …, 1996
Dissociative hydrogen adsorption on palladium requires aggregates of three or more vacancies
T Mitsui, MK Rose, E Fomin, DF Ogletree, M Salmeron
Nature 422 (6933), 705-707, 2003
Water diffusion and clustering on Pd (111)
T Mitsui, MK Rose, E Fomin, DF Ogletree, M Salmeron
Science 297 (5588), 1850-1852, 2002
Variation of the interfacial shear strength and adhesion of a nanometer-sized contact
RW Carpick, N Agrait, DF Ogletree, M Salmeron
Langmuir 12 (13), 3334-3340, 1996
Wetting and capillary phenomena of water on mica
L Xu, A Lio, J Hu, DF Ogletree, M Salmeron
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 102 (3), 540-548, 1998
Soft X-ray microscopy and spectroscopy at the molecular environmental science beamline at the Advanced Light Source
H Bluhm, K Andersson, T Araki, K Benzerara, GE Brown, JJ Dynes, ...
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 150 (2-3), 86-104, 2006
The premelting of ice studied with photoelectron spectroscopy
H Bluhm, DF Ogletree, CS Fadley, Z Hussain, M Salmeron
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14 (8), L227, 2002
Methanol oxidation on a copper catalyst investigated using in situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
H Bluhm, M Hävecker, A Knop-Gericke, E Kleimenov, R Schlögl, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (38), 14340-14347, 2004
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Articles 1–20