Ian Zwaan
Ian Zwaan
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Krylov--Schur-Type Restarts for the Two-Sided Arnoldi Method
IN Zwaan, ME Hochstenbach
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 38 (2), 297-321, 2017
Generalized Davidson and multidirectional-type methods for the generalized singular value decomposition
IN Zwaan, ME Hochstenbach
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.06120, 2017
Multidirectional subspace expansion for one-parameter and multiparameter Tikhonov regularization
IN Zwaan, ME Hochstenbach
Journal of Scientific Computing 70, 990-1009, 2017
Multidirectional subspace expansion for one-parameter and multiparameter Tikhonov regularization
IN Zwaan, ME Hochstenbach
Journal of Scientific Computing 70, 990-1009, 2017
A multigrid accelerated eigensolver for the Hermitian Wilson–Dirac operator in lattice QCD
A Frommer, K Kahl, F Knechtli, M Rottmann, A Strebel, I Zwaan
Computer Physics Communications 258, 107615, 2021
Towards a more robust algorithm for computing the restricted singular value decomposition
IN Zwaan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.04828, 2020
Krylov type methods for linear systems exploiting properties of the quadratic numerical range
A Frommer, B JACOB, K KAHL, C Wyss, I Zwaan
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 53, 541-561, 2020
Cross product-free matrix pencils for computing generalized singular values
IN Zwaan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.08518, 2019
Pseudospectrum enclosures by discretization
A Frommer, B Jacob, L Vorberg, C Wyss, I Zwaan
Integral Equations and Operator Theory 93, 1-31, 2021
Krylov type methods exploiting the quadratic numerical range
A Frommer, B Jacob, K Kahl, C Wyss, I Zwaan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.10765, 2019
Computing the restricted singular value decomposition with improved robustness
I Zwaan
XXI Householder Symposium on Numerical Linear Algebra, 412, 2020
A multigrid accelerated eigensolver for the Hermitian Wilson-Dirac operator in lattice QCD
A Frommer, K Kahl, F Knechtli, M Rottmann, A Strebel, I Zwaan
Generalized Krylov methods for large-scale matrix problems
IN Zwaan
CASA-Report 16-18 August 2016
IN Zwaan, ME Hochstenbach
Beeldreconstructie in MRI met compressed sensing
T van Leeuwen, A Sbrizzi, I Zwaan
Nieuw archief voor wiskunde. Serie 5 17 (2), 114-118, 2016
The mathematics of french fries
N Banagaaya, N Budko, H van Doorn, G Khimshiashvili, R Klooster, ...
Proceedings of the Study Group Mathematics with Industry (Delft, The …, 2014
Compressed Sensing accelerated radial acquisitions for dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging
I Zwaan
Computing Interior Eigenvalues for the Symmetrized Dirac Operator in Lattice QCD
A Frommer, K Kahl, M Rottmann, A Strebel, I Zwaan
Field of Values type Eigenvalue Inclusion Regions for Large Matrices
M Hochstenbach, IN Zwaan
Householder Symposium XIX June 8-13, Spa Belgium, 109, 0
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Articles 1–19