Arif Wider
Arif Wider
Computer Scientist, Humboldt-University of Berlin
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A three-dimensional taxonomy for bidirectional model synchronization
Z Diskin, H Gholizadeh, A Wider, K Czarnecki
Journal of Systems and Software 111, 298-322, 2016
Towards a rational taxonomy for increasingly symmetric model synchronization
Z Diskin, A Wider, H Gholizadeh, K Czarnecki
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations: 7th International Conference …, 2014
Type-safe model transformation languages as internal DSLs in scala
L George, A Wider, M Scheidgen
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations: 5th International Conference …, 2012
Decentralized data governance as part of a data mesh platform: concepts and approaches
A Wider, S Verma, A Akhtar
2023 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), 746-754, 2023
Towards combinators for bidirectional model transformations in scala
A Wider
International Conference on Software Language Engineering, 367-377, 2011
Implementing a Bidirectional Model Transformation Language as an Internal DSL in Scala.
A Wider
EDBT/ICDT Workshops, 63-70, 2014
Refactorings in language development with asymmetric bidirectional model transformations
M Schmidt, A Wider, M Scheidgen, J Fischer, S von Klinski
SDL 2013: Model-Driven Dependability Engineering: 16th International SDL …, 2013
Model transformation languages for domain-specific workbenches
A Wider
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2015
Generating Preliminary Edit Lenses from Automatic Pattern Discovery in Business Process Modeling.
MC Branco, A Wider
CAiSE Forum, 65-72, 2013
A Model-Driven Workbench for Simulation-Based Development of Optical Nanostructures
A Wider, M Schmidt, F Kühnlenz, J Fischer
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Modelling and …, 2011
Data Mesh in Practice
M Schultze, A Wider
O'Reilly Media, Incorporated, 2021
Towards lenses for view synchronization in metamodel-based domain-specific workbenches.
A Wider
GI-Jahrestagung, 280, 2011
An Extensible Language for Service Dependency Management
S Haschemi, A Wider
2009 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2009
A Taxonomic Space for Increasingly Symmetric Model Synchronization
Z Diskin, A Wider, H Gholizadeh, K Czarnecki
Generative Software Development Laboratory University of Waterloo University …, 2014
Symmetrization of Model Transformations: Towards a Rational Taxonomy of Model Synchronization Types
Z Diskin, A Wider, H Gholizadeh, K Czarnecki
Submitted to: MODELS, 2013
Towards Automating Federated Data Governance
A Wider, K Jarmul, A Akhtar
10.16. Lenses for View Synchronization in Metamodel-Based Domain-Specific Workbenches
A Wider
Joint Workshop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science, 176, 2011
Lenses for View Synchronization in Metamodel-Based Multi-View Modeling
A Wider
1 st Doctoral Symposium, 31, 2010
Komponenten-orientierte Software-Entwicklung auf der .NET-Plattform
A Wider
Technical University of Applied Sciences Berlin, 2008
ICWS 2024
V Chen, P Chen, A Beheshti, A Wider, K Jarmul, A Akhtar, H Ludwig, ...
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