Artur Ziviani
Cited by
Cited by
Constraint-based geolocation of internet hosts
B Gueye, A Ziviani, M Crovella, S Fdida
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (ToN) 14 (6), 1219-1232, 2006
An Evaluation Framework for More Realistic Simulations of MPEG Video Transmission
CH Ke, CK Shieh, WS Hwang, A Ziviani
Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE) 24 (2), 425-440, 2008
A survey on embedding dynamic graphs
CDT Barros, MRF Mendonça, AB Vieira, A Ziviani
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 55 (1), 1-37, 2021
Joint adoption of QoS schemes for MPEG streams
A Ziviani, BE Wolfinger, JF De Rezende, OCMB Duarte, S Fdida
Multimedia Tools and Applications 26 (1), 59-80, 2005
A unifying model for representing time-varying graphs
K Wehmuth, A Ziviani, E Fleury
IEEE Int. Conf. on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (IEEE DSAA), 1-10, 2015
Network anomaly detection using nonextensive entropy
A Ziviani, ATA Gomes, ML Monsores, PSS Rodrigues
IEEE Communications Letters 11 (12), 1034-1036, 2007
Improving the accuracy of measurement-based geographic location of Internet hosts
A Ziviani, S Fdida, JF De Rezende, OCMB Duarte
Computer Networks 47 (4), 503-523, 2005
DEEP: Density-based proactive data dissemination protocol for wireless sensor networks with uncontrolled sink mobility
M Vecchio, AC Viana, A Ziviani, R Friedman
Computer Communications 33 (8), 929-939, 2010
DACCER: Distributed Assessment of the Closeness Centrality Ranking in Complex Networks
K Wehmuth, A Ziviani
Computer Networks 57 (13), 2536-2548, 2013
A two markers system for improved MPEG video delivery in a DiffServ network
CH Ke, CK Shieh, WS Hwang, A Ziviani
IEEE Communications Letters 9 (4), 381-383, 2005
Analyzing imbalance among homogeneous index servers in a web search system
CS Badue, R Baeza-Yates, B Ribeiro-Neto, A Ziviani, N Ziviani
Information Processing & Management (IPM) 43 (3), 592-608, 2007
Peer-to-peer resource discovery in mobile grids
L dos S Lima, ATA Gomes, A Ziviani, M Endler, LFG Soares, B Schulze
Int. Workshop on Middleware for Grid Computing (MGC), ACM Middleware, 1-6, 2005
Toward a measurement-based geographic location service
A Ziviani, S Fdida, JF De Rezende, OCMB Duarte
Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM), 43-52, 2004
Improving the delivery quality of MPEG video streams by using differentiated services
A Ziviani, JF De Rezende, OC Duarte, S Fdida
European Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks (ECUMN), 107-115, 2002
On MultiAspect Graphs
K Wehmuth, E Fleury, A Ziviani
Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) 651, 50-61, 2016
Time centrality in dynamic complex networks
EC Costa, AB Vieira, K Wehmuth, A Ziviani, APC da Silva
Advances in Complex Systems 18 (07n08), 1550023, 2015
A survey of biodiversity informatics: Concepts, practices, and challenges
LMR Gadelha Jr, PC de Siracusa, EC Dalcin, LAE da Silva, DA Augusto, ...
WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 11 (1), e1394, 2021
Detecting skype flows in web traffic
EP Freire, A Ziviani, RM Salles
IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), 89-96, 2008
An AS-level overlay network for IP traceback
A Castelucio, A Ziviani, RM Salles
IEEE Network 23 (1), 36-41, 2009
MultiAspect Graphs: Algebraic Representation and Algorithms
K Wehmuth, É Fleury, A Ziviani
Algorithms 10 (1), 1-36, 2017
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Articles 1–20