Brouwer, C.N.
Brouwer, C.N.
associate professor Radboud University Nijmegen
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Cited by
Cited by
Can teacher education make a difference?
N Brouwer, F Korthagen
American educational research journal 42 (1), 153-224, 2005
Exploring a two-dimensional model of mentor teacher roles in mentoring dialogues
F Crasborn, P Hennissen, N Brouwer, F Korthagen, T Bergen
Teaching and Teacher education 27 (2), 320-331, 2011
Mapping mentor teachers’ roles in mentoring dialogues
P Hennissen, F Crasborn, N Brouwer, F Korthagen, T Bergen
Educational research review 3 (2), 168-186, 2008
Promoting versatility in mentor teachers’ use of supervisory skills
F Crasborn, P Hennissen, N Brouwer, F Korthagen, T Bergen
Teaching and teacher education 24 (3), 499-514, 2008
Clarifying pre-service teacher perceptions of mentor teachers’ developing use of mentoring skills
P Hennissen, F Crasborn, N Brouwer, F Korthagen, T Bergen
Teaching and teacher education 27 (6), 1049-1058, 2011
Tailor-made: Towards a pedagogy for educating second-career teachers
A Tigchelaar, N Brouwer, JD Vermunt
Educational Research Review 5 (2), 164-183, 2010
Crossing horizons: Continuity and change during second-career teachers’ entry into teaching
A Tigchelaar, N Brouwer, F Korthagen
Teaching and teacher education 24 (6), 1530-1550, 2008
Capturing mentor teachers' reflective moments during mentoring dialogues
F Crasborn, P Hennissen, N Brouwer, F Korthagen, T Bergen
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice 16 (1), 7-29, 2010
Action research in initial teacher education: An explorative study
J Ax, P Ponte, N Brouwer
Educational Action Research 16 (1), 55-72, 2008
Uncovering contents of mentor teachers' interactive cognitions during mentoring dialogues
P Hennissen, F Crasborn, N Brouwer, F Korthagen, T Bergen
Teaching and teacher education 26 (2), 207-214, 2010
Imaging teacher learning. A literature review on the use of digital video for preservice teacher education and professional development.
CN Brouwer
New Orleans:[Sn], 2011
Alternative teacher education in the Netherlands 2000–2005. A standards‐based synthesis
N Brouwer
European Journal of Teacher Education 30 (1), 21-40, 2007
Determining long-term effects of teacher education
CN Brouwer
International Encyclopedia of Education, Volume 7, 503-510, 2010
The power of video feedback with structured viewing guides
N Brouwer, E Besselink, I Oosterheert
Teaching and Teacher Education 66, 60-73, 2017
Was lernen Lehrpersonen durch die Arbeit mit Videos? Ergebnisse eines Dezenniums empirischer Forschung
N Brouwer
BzL-Beiträge zur Lehrerinnen-und Lehrerbildung 32 (2), 176-195, 2014
In Search of Effective Guidance for Pre-service Teachers' Viewing of Classroom Video
N Brouwer, F Robijns
Digital video for teacher education, 54-68, 2014
Geïntegreerde lerarenopleiding, principes en effekten
N Brouwer
N. Brouwer, 1989
Verbeelden van onderwijsbekwaamheid, een literatuurstudie
CN Brouwer
Heerlen: Open Universiteit, Ruud de Moor Centrum, 2007
Educational designing with MicroWorlds
N Brouwer, G Muller, H Rietdijk
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 15 (4), 439-462, 2007
Intake assessments for alternative teacher education: Moving from legitimation towards predictive validity
BC Ackley, MA Fallon, N Brouwer
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 32 (6), 657-665, 2007
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Articles 1–20