Saeid Razmjooy
Saeid Razmjooy
University of Mohaghegh Ardebili, Ardabil, Iran
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Cited by
A new design for robust control of power system stabilizer based on moth search algorithm
N Razmjooy, S Razmjooy, Z Vahedi, VV Estrela, GG de Oliveira
Metaheuristics and Optimization in Computer and Electrical Engineering, 187-202, 2021
Skin melanoma segmentation using neural networks optimized by quantum invasive weed optimization algorithm
N Razmjooy, S Razmjooy
Metaheuristics and optimization in computer and electrical engineering, 233-250, 2020
Skin color segmentation based on artificial neural network improved by a modified grasshopper optimization algorithm
N Razmjooy, S Razmjooy, Z Vahedi, VV Estrela, GG de Oliveira
Metaheuristics and Optimization in Computer and Electrical Engineering, 169-185, 2021
Economic and technical analysis of an HRES (Hybrid Renewable Energy System) comprising wind, PV, and fuel cells using an improved subtraction-average-based optimizer
Y Wang, X He, Q Liu, S Razmjooy
Heliyon 10 (12), e32712, 2024
Technical and economic evaluation of the optimal placement of fuel cells in the distribution system of petrochemical industries based on improved firefly algorithm
V Rajinikanth, N Razmjooy, E Jamshidpour, N Ghadimi, G Dhiman, ...
Metaheuristics and Optimization in Computer and Electrical Engineering …, 2023
Improved Giza pyramids construction algorithm for Modify the deep neural network-based method for energy demand forecasting
X Wang, S Razmjooy
Heliyon 9 (10), 2023
Improved anterior cruciate ligament tear diagnosis using gated recurrent unit networks and Hybrid Tasmanian Devil Optimization
S Chan, M Zhang, YY Zhi, S Razmjooy, AM El-Sherbeeny, L Lin
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 95, 106309, 2024
Economic and Technical Analysis of an Off-Grid Wind/PV/Fuel Cells Hybrid Renewable Energy System using an Improved Subtraction-Average-Based Optimizer
Y Wang, X He, Q Liu, S Razmjooy
Heliyon, 2024
The improved aquila optimization approach for cost-effective design of hybrid renewable energy systems
Y Zhou, Z Chen, Z Gong, P Chen, S Razmjooy
Heliyon 10 (6), 2024
Optimized hierarchical radial basis function neural networks by developing coronavirus herd immunity optimizer for solid oxide fuel cells
T Zou, Z Chen, S Razmjooy
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 35 (22), e7730, 2023
Prediction of drought hydrological and water scarcity based on optimal artificial intelligence by developing a metaheuristic optimization algorithm
Y Wang, S Razmjooy
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 135, 103669, 2024
A novel optimization approach for the design of a hybrid energy system based on a modified version of a subtraction-average-based optimizing method
N Wu, N Sun, S Razmjooy
International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 19, 2181-2194, 2024
Reactive power control of hybrid systems using improved coyote optimizer
L Chen, X Yi, Y Zhou, L Liu, H Liu, S Razmjooy
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 35 (28), e7859, 2023
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Articles 1–13