Philipp Sterzer
Philipp Sterzer
Professor of Translational Psychiatry, University of Basel, Switzerland
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Electroencephalographic signatures of attentional and cognitive default modes in spontaneous brain activity fluctuations at rest
H Laufs, K Krakow, P Sterzer, E Eger, A Beyerle, A Salek-Haddadi, ...
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 100 (19), 11053-11058, 2003
The predictive coding account of psychosis
P Sterzer, RA Adams, P Fletcher, C Frith, SM Lawrie, L Muckli, P Petrovic, ...
Biological psychiatry 84 (9), 634-643, 2018
A supramodal number representation in human intraparietal cortex
E Eger, P Sterzer, MO Russ, AL Giraud, A Kleinschmidt
Neuron 37 (4), 719-726, 2003
The neural bases of multistable perception
P Sterzer, A Kleinschmidt, G Rees
Trends in cognitive sciences 13 (7), 310-318, 2009
Cognitive and neurobiological mechanisms of alcohol-related aggression
AJ Heinz, A Beck, A Meyer-Lindenberg, P Sterzer, A Heinz
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 12 (7), 400-413, 2011
A critique of functional localisers
KJ Friston, P Rotshtein, JJ Geng, P Sterzer, RN Henson
Neuroimage 30 (4), 1077-1087, 2006
A structural neural deficit in adolescents with conduct disorder and its association with lack of empathy
P Sterzer, C Stadler, F Poustka, A Kleinschmidt
Neuroimage 37 (1), 335-342, 2007
Abnormal neural responses to emotional visual stimuli in adolescents with conduct disorder
P Sterzer, C Stadler, A Krebs, A Kleinschmidt, F Poustka
Biological psychiatry 57 (1), 7-15, 2005
Interaction of face and voice areas during speaker recognition
K Kriegstein, A Kleinschmidt, P Sterzer, AL Giraud
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 17 (3), 367-376, 2005
Hyporeactivity of ventral striatum towards incentive stimuli in unmedicated depressed patients normalizes after treatment with escitalopram
M Stoy, F Schlagenhauf, P Sterzer, F Bermpohl, C Hägele, K Suchotzki, ...
Journal of psychopharmacology 26 (5), 677-688, 2012
Contributions of sensory input, auditory search and verbal comprehension to cortical activity during speech processing
AL Giraud, C Kell, C Thierfelder, P Sterzer, MO Russ, C Preibisch, ...
Cerebral cortex 14 (3), 247-255, 2004
Reduced prefrontal-parietal effective connectivity and working memory deficits in schizophrenia
L Deserno, P Sterzer, T Wüstenberg, A Heinz, F Schlagenhauf
Journal of Neuroscience 32 (1), 12-20, 2012
Breaking continuous flash suppression: a new measure of unconscious processing during interocular suppression?
T Stein, MN Hebart, P Sterzer
Frontiers in human neuroscience 5, 167, 2011
A neural basis for inference in perceptual ambiguity
P Sterzer, A Kleinschmidt
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (1), 323-328, 2007
Reward feedback alterations in unmedicated schizophrenia patients: relevance for delusions
F Schlagenhauf, P Sterzer, K Schmack, M Ballmaier, M Rapp, J Wrase, ...
Biological psychiatry 65 (12), 1032-1039, 2009
Dopamine in amygdala gates limbic processing of aversive stimuli in humans
T Kienast, AR Hariri, F Schlagenhauf, J Wrase, P Sterzer, HG Buchholz, ...
Nature neuroscience 11 (12), 1381, 2008
Dimensional psychiatry: reward dysfunction and depressive mood across psychiatric disorders
C Hägele, F Schlagenhauf, M Rapp, P Sterzer, A Beck, F Bermpohl, ...
Psychopharmacology 232 (2), 331-341, 2015
Anterior insula activations in perceptual paradigms: often observed but barely understood
P Sterzer, A Kleinschmidt
Brain Structure and Function 214 (5), 611-622, 2010
Delusions and the role of beliefs in perceptual inference
K Schmack, AGC de Castro, M Rothkirch, M Sekutowicz, H Rössler, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (34), 13701-13712, 2013
Eye contact facilitates awareness of faces during interocular suppression
T Stein, A Senju, MV Peelen, P Sterzer
Cognition 119 (2), 307-311, 2011
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Articles 1–20