Drug-induced stimulation and suppression of action monitoring in healthy volunteers ERA De Bruijn, W Hulstijn, RJ Verkes, GSF Ruigt, BGC Sabbe Psychopharmacology 177, 151-160, 2004 | 304 | 2004 |
Effects of antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs on action monitoring in healthy volunteers ERA De Bruijn, BGC Sabbe, W Hulstijn, GSF Ruigt, RJ Verkes Brain research 1105 (1), 122-129, 2006 | 196 | 2006 |
Joint action: Neurocognitive mechanisms supporting human interaction H Bekkering, ERA De Bruijn, RH Cuijpers, R Newman‐Norlund, ... Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (2), 340-352, 2009 | 181 | 2009 |
More on interlingual homograph recognition: Language intermixing versus explicitness of instruction T Dijkstra, E De Bruijn, H Schriefers, S Ten Brinke Bilingualism: Language and cognition 3 (1), 69-78, 2000 | 181 | 2000 |
Testing a model for bilingual semantic priming with interlingual homographs: RT and N400 effects R Kerkhofs, T Dijkstra, DJ Chwilla, ERA De Bruijn Brain research 1068 (1), 170-183, 2006 | 178 | 2006 |
Action monitoring in major depressive disorder with psychomotor retardation D Schrijvers, ERA De Bruijn, Y Maas, C De Grave, BGC Sabbe, W Hulstijn Cortex 44 (5), 569-579, 2008 | 164 | 2008 |
When errors are rewarding ERA de Bruijn, FP de Lange, DY von Cramon, M Ullsperger Journal of Neuroscience 29 (39), 12183-12186, 2009 | 162 | 2009 |
Psychopaths lack the automatic avoidance of social threat: relation to instrumental aggression AKL von Borries, I Volman, ERA de Bruijn, BH Bulten, RJ Verkes, ... Psychiatry Research 200 (2-3), 761-766, 2012 | 147 | 2012 |
Early and late components of error monitoring in violent offenders with psychopathy IA Brazil, ERA de Bruijn, BH Bulten, AKL von Borries, JJDM van Lankveld, ... Biological psychiatry 65 (2), 137-143, 2009 | 134 | 2009 |
Language context effects on interlingual homograph recognition: evidence from event-related potentials and response times in semantic priming ERA De Bruijn, T Dijkstra, DJ Chwilla, HJ Schriefers Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 4 (2), 155-168, 2001 | 127 | 2001 |
Does oxytocin affect mind-reading? A replication study S Radke, ERA de Bruijn Psychoneuroendocrinology 60, 75-81, 2015 | 124 | 2015 |
Testosterone biases the amygdala toward social threat approach S Radke, I Volman, P Mehta, V van Son, D Enter, A Sanfey, I Toni, ... Science advances 1 (5), e1400074, 2015 | 124 | 2015 |
Action monitoring and depressive symptom reduction in major depressive disorder D Schrijvers, ERA De Bruijn, YJ Maas, P Vancoillie, W Hulstijn, ... International journal of Psychophysiology 71 (3), 218-224, 2009 | 118 | 2009 |
Acting on anger: social anxiety modulates approach-avoidance tendencies after oxytocin administration S Radke, K Roelofs, ERA De Bruijn Psychological Science 24 (8), 1573-1578, 2013 | 114 | 2013 |
Neural correlates of impulsive responding in borderline personality disorder: ERP evidence for reduced action monitoring ERA de Bruijn, KP Grootens, RJ Verkes, V Buchholz, JW Hummelen, ... Journal of psychiatric research 40 (5), 428-437, 2006 | 105 | 2006 |
Neural correlates of error-related learning deficits in individuals with psychopathy AKL Von Borries, IA Brazil, BH Bulten, JK Buitelaar, RJ Verkes, ... Psychological medicine 40 (9), 1559-1568, 2010 | 103 | 2010 |
Better to give than to take? Interactive social decision-making in severe major depressive disorder M Destoop, D Schrijvers, C De Grave, B Sabbe, ERA De Bruijn Journal of affective disorders 137 (1-3), 98-105, 2012 | 100 | 2012 |
In action or inaction? Social approach–avoidance tendencies in major depression S Radke, F Güths, JA André, BW Müller, ERA de Bruijn Psychiatry research 219 (3), 513-517, 2014 | 99 | 2014 |
The other side of the coin: oxytocin decreases the adherence to fairness norms S Radke, ERA De Bruijn Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 193, 2012 | 89 | 2012 |
Self-identification and empathy modulate error-related brain activity during the observation of penalty shots between friend and foe RD Newman-Norlund, S Ganesh, HT Schie, ERA De Bruijn, H Bekkering Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 4 (1), 10-22, 2009 | 78 | 2009 |