Adriana Mica
Adriana Mica
Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Warsaw
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Cited by
Sociology and the unintended: Robert Merton revisited
A Mica, A Peisert, J Winczorek
(No Title), 2011
Sociology as Analysis of the Unintended: From the Problem of Ignorance to the Discovery of the Possible
A Mica
Routledge, 2018
Wyjście z cienia: polityka uchodźcza w sytuacji kryzysu
P Kubicki, M Pawlak, A Mica, A Horolets
Polityka Społeczna 522 (9), 22-28, 2017
From diffusion to translation and back. Disembedding-Re-embedding and re-invention in sociological studies of diffusion
A Mica
Polish sociological review 181 (1), 3-19, 2013
Ignorance and change: Anticipatory knowledge and the European Refugee Crisis
A Mica, A Horolets, M Pawlak, P Kubicki
Routledge, 2020
The unintended consequences in new economic sociology: Why still not taken seriously?
A Mica
Social Science Information 56 (4), 544-566, 2017
Ignorance as an outcome of categorizations: The “refugees” in the Polish academic discourse before and after the 2015 refugee crisis
A Horolets, A Mica, M Pawlak, P Kubicki
East European Politics and Societies 34 (3), 730-751, 2020
Sociologies of formality and informality
A Mica, J Winczorek, R Wiśniewski
Peter Lang Edition, 2015
Routledge International Handbook of Failure
A Mica, M Pawlak, A Horolets, P Kubicki
Taylor & Francis, 2023
Unintended Consequences: History of the Concept
A Mica
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second …, 2015
Weber’s “Essential Paradox of Social Action”: What Can Sociology of the Unintended Learn from Public Policy Analysis?
A Mica
Profilaktyka Społeczna i Resocjalizacja, 71-95, 2014
Porażka w polityce publicznej
P Kubicki, M Pawlak, A Mica, A Horolets
Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia i Prace, 13-41, 2019
Towards a typology of hybrid formalities and informalities
A Mica
Polish Sociological Review 194 (2), 139-153, 2016
Moral Panic, Risk or Hazard Society-the Relevance of a Theoretical Model and Framings of Maidan Dogs in Chisinau and Bucharest
A Mica
Polish Sociological Review 169 (1), 41-56, 2010
FAIL! Are We Headed towards Critical Failure Studies?
A Mica, M Pawlak, A Horolets, P Kubicki
Routledge International Handbook of Failure, 2023
Permanent failure, successful failure and fracasomania: Solving the problem of ownerless dogs problem in Romania
A Mica, S Nys
Oņati Institute Seminar Series, Oņati International Institute for the …, 2014
Coping with the unintended consequences of institutional work
M Pawlak, A Mica
New Themes in Institutional Analysis, 377-408, 2017
Expectations of Failure: Political Risks in the Moral Economy of Ignorance and Social Injustice
A Mica, M Pawlak, P Kubicki
Sociologica 17 (3), 75-97, 2023
Normativity in and of institutional work: Making the case for public organizational studies
M Pawlak, A Mica, J Hermes
EGOS Working Paper, 2019
Introduction, w: A. Mica, A. Peisert, J. Winczorek (eds.), Sociology and the Unintended. Robert Merton revisited
A Mica
Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2011
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Articles 1–20