Mahdi Sargolzaei
Mahdi Sargolzaei
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Cited by
Artificial fish swarm algorithm: a survey of the state-of-the-art, hybridization, combinatorial and indicative applications
M Neshat, G Sepidnam, M Sargolzaei, AN Toosi
Artificial intelligence review 42 (4), 965-997, 2014
Telehealth-based services during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review of features and challenges
F Khoshrounejad, M Hamednia, A Mehrjerd, S Pichaghsaz, H Jamalirad, ...
Frontiers in public health 9, 711762, 2021
Swallow swarm optimization algorithm: a new method to optimization
M Neshat, G Sepidnam, M Sargolzaei
Neural Computing and Applications 23 (2), 429-454, 2013
Hepatitis disease diagnosis using hybrid case based reasoning and particle swarm optimization
M Neshat, M Sargolzaei, A Nadjaran Toosi, A Masoumi
International Scholarly Research Notices 2012 (1), 609718, 2012
A review of artificial fish swarm optimization methods and applications
M Neshat, A Adeli, G Sepidnam, M Sargolzaei, AN Toosi
International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems 5 (1), 107-148, 2012
Automatic code generation for the orchestration of web services with Reo
SSTQ Jongmans, F Santini, M Sargolzaei, F Arbab, H Afsarmanesh
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing: First European Conference, ESOCC 2012 …, 2012
Deep learning on ultrasound images of thyroid nodules
Y Sharifi, MA Bakhshali, T Dehghani, M DanaiAshgzari, M Sargolzaei, ...
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 41 (2), 636-655, 2021
A new cooperative algorithm based on PSO and k-means for data clustering
M Neshat, SF Yazdi, D Yazdani, M Sargolzaei
Journal of Computer Science 8 (2), 188, 2012
Predication of concrete mix design using adaptive neural fuzzy inference systems and fuzzy inference systems
M Neshat, A Adeli, G Sepidnam, M Sargolzaei
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 63, 373-390, 2012
Orchestrating web services using Reo: from circuits and behaviors to automatically generated code
SSTQ Jongmans, F Santini, M Sargolzaei, F Arbab, H Afsarmanesh
Service Oriented Computing and Applications 8, 277-297, 2014
Semi-automated software service integration in virtual organisations
H Afsarmanesh, M Sargolzaei, M Shadi
Enterprise Information Systems 9 (5-6), 528-555, 2015
A tool for behaviour-based discovery of approximately matching web services
M Sargolzaei, F Santini, F Arbab, H Afsarmanesh
International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 152-166, 2013
Comparative study on fuzzy inference systems for prediction of concrete compressive strength
M Neshat, A Adeli, G Sepidnam, M Sargolzaei
Int. J. Phys. Sci 7 (3), 440-455, 2012
Optimal number of replicas in data grid environment
Y Mansouri, M Garmehi, M Sargolzaei, M Shadi
2008 First International Conference on Distributed Framework and …, 2008
A new kind of PSO: predator particle swarm optimization
M Neshat, M Sargolzaei, A Masoumi, A Najaran
International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems 5 (2), 521-539, 2012
Fhesmm: Fuzzy hybrid expert system for marketing mix model
M Neshat, A Baghi, AA Pourahmad, G Sepidnam, M Sargolzaei, ...
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 8 (6), 2011
A framework for automated service composition in collaborative networks
H Afsarmanesh, M Sargolzaei, M Shadi
Collaborative Networks in the Internet of Services: 13th IFIP WG 5.5 Working …, 2012
A coopetition space for complex product specification
M Shafahi, H Afsarmanesh, M Sargolzaei
Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments: 15th IFIP WG 5.5 …, 2014
On service-enhanced product recommendation guiding users through complex product specification
H Afsarmanesh, M Shafahi, M Sargolzaei
2015 International Conference on Computing and Communications Technologies …, 2015
Clinical informatics solutions in CoViD-19 pandemic: scoping literature review
R Ganjali, S Eslami, T Samimi, M Sargolzaei, N Firouraghi, ...
Informatics in medicine unlocked 30, 100929, 2022
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Articles 1–20