Mahmoud Korek
Mahmoud Korek
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Theoretical study of the electronic structure of LiCs, NaCs, and KCs molecules
M Korek, AR Allouche, K Fakhreddine, A Chaalan
Canadian Journal of Physics 78 (11), 977-988, 2000
Theoretical electronic structure of RbCs revisited
AR Allouche, M Korek, K Fakherddin, A Chaalan, M Dagher, F Taher, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 33 (12), 2307, 2000
Theoretical study of the electronic structure of the LiRb and NaRb molecules
M Korek, AR Allouche, M Kobeissi, A Chaalan, M Dagher, K Fakherddin, ...
Chemical Physics 256 (1), 1-6, 2000
The theoretical spin-orbit structure of the RbCs molecule
H Fahs, AR Allouche, M Korek, M Aubert-Frécon
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 35 (6), 1501, 2002
Highly accurate diatomic centrifugal distortion constants for high orders and high levels
M Korek, H Kobeissi
Journal of computational chemistry 13 (9), 1103-1108, 1992
Theoretical calculation of the low laying electronic states of the molecule NaCs with spin-orbit effect
M Korek, S Bleik, AR Allouche
The Journal of chemical physics 126 (12), 2007
A one directional shooting method for the computation of diatomic centrifugal distortion constants
M Korek
Computer physics communications 119 (2-3), 169-178, 1999
Theoretical calculation of the excited states of the KCs molecule including the spin-orbit interaction
M Korek, YA Moghrabi, AR Allouche
The Journal of chemical physics 124 (9), 2006
On the computation of diatomic centrifugal distortion constants: Exact solutions for initial value problems
H Kobeissi, M Korek, M Dagher
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 138 (1), 1-12, 1989
Theoretical calculation of the electronic structure of the molecule LiRb including the spin–orbit interaction
M Korek, G Younes, S Al-Shawa
Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 899 (1-3), 25-31, 2009
Improvement of Superconducting Parameters of Bi1.8Pb0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ Added with Nano-Ag
R Mawassi, S Marhaba, M Roumié, R Awad, M Korek, I Hassan
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 27, 1131-1142, 2014
Diatomic centrifugal distortion constants for large orders at any level: application to the state
M Korek, H Kobeissi
Canadian journal of chemistry 71 (3), 313-317, 1993
Theoretical electronic structure of the alkali-dimer cation Rb2+
A Jraij, AR Allouche, M Korek, M Aubert-Frécon
Chemical physics 290 (2-3), 129-136, 2003
Theoretical electronic structure of the lowest-lying states of the YI molecule
S Abdul-Al, AR Allouche, M Korek, M Aubert-Frécon
Chemical physics 308 (1-2), 1-6, 2005
New analytical expression for the rotational factor in Raman transitions
M Korek, H Kobeissi
Canadian journal of physics 73 (9-10), 559-565, 1995
Theoretical study of the low-lying electronic states of the RbCs+ molecular ion
M Korek, AR Allouche
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 34 (18), 3689, 2001
Theoretical electronic structure of the lowest-lying states of the LaF molecule
H Fahs, AR Allouche, M Korek, M Aubert-Frécon
The Journal of chemical physics 117 (8), 3715-3720, 2002
Theoretical electronic structure of the molecule ScI
M Korek, S Kontar, F Taher‐Mansour, AR Allouche
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 109 (2), 236-242, 2009
Theoretical study of the low‐lying electronic states of the molecular ion KRb+
M Korek, G Younes, AR Allouche
International journal of quantum chemistry 92 (4), 376-380, 2003
Potential curves and rovibrational energies for electronic states of the molecular ion KCs+
M Korek, AR Allouche, SN Abdul Al
Canadian journal of physics 80 (9), 1025-1035, 2002
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Articles 1–20