Peter Vos
Peter Vos
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Cited by
Evaluation of LD decay and various LD-decay estimators in simulated and SNP-array data of tetraploid potato
PG Vos, MJ Paulo, RE Voorrips, RGF Visser, HJ van Eck, FA van Eeuwijk
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 130, 123-135, 2017
Development and analysis of a 20K SNP array for potato (Solanum tuberosum): an insight into the breeding history
PG Vos, JG Uitdewilligen, RE Voorrips, RGF Visser, HJ van Eck
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 128, 2387-2401, 2015
Distribution of P1 (D1) wart disease resistance in potato germplasm and GWAS identification of haplotype-specific SNP markers
C Prodhomme, PG Vos, MJ Paulo, JE Tammes, RGF Visser, JH Vossen, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 133, 1859-1871, 2020
Genome-wide association analysis in tetraploid potato reveals four QTLs for protein content
MT Klaassen, JH Willemsen, PG Vos, RGF Visser, HJ van Eck, ...
Molecular Breeding 39, 1-12, 2019
Graphical genotyping as a method to map Ny (o,n)sto and Gpa5 using a reference panel of tetraploid potato cultivars
HJ van Eck, PG Vos, JPT Valkonen, JG Uitdewilligen, H Lensing, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 130, 515-528, 2017
Possibilities and challenges of the potato genome sequence
RGF Visser, CWB Bachem, T Borm, J de Boer, HJ Van Eck, R Finkers, ...
Potato Research 57, 327-330, 2014
GWAS in tetraploid potato: identification and validation of SNP markers associated with glycoalkaloid content
PG Vos, MJ Paulo, PM Bourke, CA Maliepaard, FA Van Eeuwijk, ...
Molecular Breeding 42 (12), 76, 2022
Association mapping of physiological and morphological traits related to crop development under contrasting nitrogen inputs in a diverse set of potato cultivars
CA Ospina Nieto, ET Lammerts van Bueren, S Allefs, PG Vos, ...
Plants 10 (8), 1727, 2021
Development and application of a 20K SNP array in potato
P Vos
PQDT-Global, 2016
Characterization of Brassica rapa turnip formation in multiple segregating populations
P Vos
Wageningen University, Laboratory of Plant Breeding, Wageningen, 2009
Potato processing» show extra info.
WF Talburt, O Smith, DA Roth, P Vos
[Bulletin]/Agricultural Extension Service. University of Wyoming (, 2016
Farbensehen und Zapfenfunktion bei der Singdrossel Turdus e. ericetorum Turton» show extra info.
PJ Eck, W Eck, S Berkum, HJ Eck, W Eck, S Berkum, P Vos
Rapport/DLO-Staring Centrum (, 2016
Genetic analysis of cold induced sweetening in potato
P Vos
Sl: sn, 2010
Visstandbemonstering Zuidelijke Randmeren 2009» show extra info.
J Hop, WH Hulsegge, SG Lauwaars, G Bongertman, KD Oostinga, ...
Rapport/Institutionen foer ekonomi och statistik. Sveriges …, 1983
Ueber allen Wipfeln: boeken en zo
PG Vos, P Aalbers, H Smeets, A Furst, S Schreuder, E Sylvén, ...
Bomennieuws: aktuele informatie uit binnen-en buitenland, 13, 1941
Unraveling the genetic components of drought tolerance of potato grown under moderate water limitation
BB Tessema, PG Vos, EB Aliche, D Bustos-Korts, RGF Visser, ...
Genetic studies towards elucidation of drought tolerance of potato, 93, 0
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Articles 1–16