Lisa D. McNair
Lisa D. McNair
Engineering Education, Virginia Tech
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Team effectiveness theory from industrial and organizational psychology applied to engineering student project teams: A research review
M Borrego, J Karlin, LD McNair, K Beddoes
Journal of Engineering Education 102 (4), 472-512, 2013
Teaching technical communication in an era of distributed work: A case study of collaboration between US and Swedish students
MC Paretti, LD McNair, L Holloway-Attaway
Technical Communication Quarterly 16 (3), 327-352, 2007
Student and faculty interdisciplinary identities in self‐managed teams
LD McNair, C Newswander, D Boden, M Borrego
Journal of Engineering Education 100 (2), 374-396, 2011
Faculty motivation: A gateway to transforming engineering education
HM Matusovich, MC Paretti, LD McNair, C Hixson
Journal of Engineering Education 103 (2), 302-330, 2014
Using Concept Maps to Assess Interdisciplinary Integration of Green Engineering Knowledge.
M Borrego, CB Newswander, LD McNair, S McGinnis, MC Paretti
Advances in Engineering Education 1 (3), n3, 2009
Analyzing the intersections of institutional and discourse identities in engineering work at the local level
MC Paretti, LD McNair
Sociotechnical Communication in Engineering, 55-78, 2015
Engineering communication
MC Paretti, LD McNair, JA Leydens, A Johri
Cambridge handbook of engineering education research, 601-632, 2014
An introduction to grounded theory: Choosing and implementing an emergent method
C Groen, DR Simmons, LD McNair
ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Columbus, OH. Retrieved from https …, 2017
Activity theory, speech acts, and the ‘‘doctrine of infelicity’’: Connecting language and technology in globally networked learning environments
LD McNair, MC Paretti
Journal of Business and Technical Communication 24 (3), 323-357, 2010
Case study of prior knowledge: Expectations and identity constructions in interdisciplinary, cross-cultural virtual collaboration
LD McNair, MC Paretti, A Kakar
International Journal of Engineering Education 24 (2), 386, 2008
Exploring student disability and professional identity: Navigating sociocultural expectations in US undergraduate civil engineering programs
C McCall, A Shew, DR Simmons, MC Paretti, LD McNair
Australasian Journal of Engineering Education 25 (1), 79-89, 2020
Application of community of practice theory to the preparation of engineering graduate students for faculty careers.
ED Crede, M Borrego, LD McNair
Advances in Engineering Education 2 (2), n2, 2010
Towards a pedagogy of relational space and trust: Analyzing distributed collaboration using discourse and speech act analysis
LD McNair, MC Paretti, M Davitt
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 53 (3), 233-248, 2010
Introduction to the special issue on communication in engineering curricula: Mapping the landscape
MC Paretti, LD McNair
IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication 51 (3), 238-241, 2008
Teaching vs. Research: An Approach to Understanding Graduate Students' Roles through ePortfolio Reflection.
MV Svyantek, RL Kajfez, LD McNair
International Journal of ePortfolio 5 (2), 135-154, 2015
Advancing from outsider to insider: A grounded theory of professional identity negotiation in undergraduate engineering
C McCall, LD McNair, DR Simmons
Journal of Engineering Education 110 (2), 393-413, 2021
MAKER: An ethnography of maker and hacker spaces achieving diverse participation
DM Riley, LD McNair, S Masters
ASEE, 2017
Graduate student identity: A balancing act between roles
RL Kajfez, LD McNair
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 24.652. 1-24.652. 16, 2014
Discipline-based instruction to promote interdisciplinary design of wearable and pervasive computing products
T Martin, K Kim, J Forsyth, L McNair, E Coupey, E Dorsa
Personal and ubiquitous computing 17, 465-478, 2013
Outside the ‘comfort zone’: Impacts of interdisciplinary research collaboration on research, pedagogy, and disciplinary knowledge production
LD McNair, M Davitt, GP Batten
Engineering Studies 7 (1), 47-79, 2015
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Articles 1–20