Henk G. Schmidt
Henk G. Schmidt
Rotterdam, Maastricht, Singapore, Ajman
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The psychological basis of problem-based learning: A review of the evidence
GR Norman, HG Schmidt
Academic medicine 67 (9), 557-65, 1992
Problem‐based learning: Rationale and description
HG Schmidt
Medical education 17 (1), 11-16, 1983
A cognitive perspective on medical expertise: theory and implication [published erratum appears in Acad Med 1992 Apr; 67 (4): 287]
HG Schmidt, GR Norman, HP Boshuizen
Academic medicine 65 (10), 611-21, 1990
Effectiveness of problem‐based learning curricula: Theory, practice and paper darts
GR Norman, HG Schmidt
Medical education 34 (9), 721-728, 2000
Foundations of problem‐based learning: some explanatory notes
HG Schmidt
Medical education 27 (5), 422-432, 1993
The process of problem‐based learning: what works and why
HG Schmidt, JI Rotgans, EHJ Yew
Medical education 45 (8), 792-806, 2011
On the role of biomedical knowledge in clinical reasoning by experts, intermediates and novices
HPA Boshuizen, HG Schmidt
Cognitive science 16 (2), 153-184, 1992
How expertise develops in medicine: knowledge encapsulation and illness script formation
HG Schmidt, RMJP Rikers
Medical education 41 (12), 1133-1139, 2007
Problem-Based Learning is Compatible with Human Cognitive Architecture: Commentary on Kirschner, Sweller, and
HG Schmidt, SMM Loyens, T Van Gog, F Paas
Educational psychologist 42 (2), 91-97, 2007
Stress amongst dental students: a systematic review
AM Alzahem, HT Van der Molen, AH Alaujan, HG Schmidt, ...
European Journal of Dental Education 15 (1), 8-18, 2011
Maternal thyroid function during early pregnancy and cognitive functioning in early childhood: the generation R study
J Henrichs, JJ Bongers-Schokking, JJ Schenk, A Ghassabian, ...
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 95 (9), 4227-4234, 2010
What Makes a Tutor Effective? A Structural Equations Modelling Approach to Learning in Problem-Based Curricula.
HG Schmidt, JHC Moust
The causes of errors in clinical reasoning: cognitive biases, knowledge deficits, and dual process thinking
GR Norman, SD Monteiro, J Sherbino, JS Ilgen, HG Schmidt, S Mamede
Academic Medicine 92 (1), 23-30, 2017
Situational interest and academic achievement in the active-learning classroom
JI Rotgans, HG Schmidt
Learning and instruction 21 (1), 58-67, 2011
On acquiring expertise in medicine
HG Schmidt, HPA Boshuizen
Educational psychology review 5, 205-221, 1993
Description, justification and clarification: a framework for classifying the purposes of research in medical education
DA Cook, G Bordage, HG Schmidt
Medical education 42 (2), 128-133, 2008
Factors Affecting Small-Group Tutorial Learning: A Review of Research
HG Schmidt
Problem-based learning: A research perspective on learning interactions …, 2000
Constructivist, problem-based learning does work: A meta-analysis of curricular comparisons involving a single medical school
HG Schmidt, HT Van der Molen, WWR Te Winkel, WHFW Wijnen
Educational psychologist 44 (4), 227-249, 2009
Longterm effects of problem‐based learning: a comparison of competencies acquired by graduates of a problem‐based and a conventional medical school
HG Schmidt, L Vermeulen, HT Van der Molen
Medical education 40 (6), 562-567, 2006
The structure of reflective practice in medicine
S Mamede, HG Schmidt
Medical education 38 (12), 1302-1308, 2004
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