Hans van der Meij
Hans van der Meij
University of Twente, the Netherlands
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Principles and heuristics for designing minimalist instruction
H Van der Meij
Technical communication 42 (2), 243-261, 1995
Constraints on question asking in classrooms.
H Van der Meij
Journal of Educational Psychology 80 (3), 401, 1988
A comparison of paper-based and video tutorials for software learning
H Van Der Meij, J Van Der Meij
Computers & education 78, 150-159, 2014
Eight guidelines for the design of instructional videos for software training
H Van der Meij, J van der Meij
Technical communication 60 (3), 205-228, 2013
Multimodal versus unimodal instruction in a complex learning context
M Gellevij, H Van Der Meij, T De Jong, J Pieters
The Journal of Experimental Education 70 (3), 215-239, 2002
Animated pedagogical agents effects on enhancing student motivation and learning in a science inquiry learning environment
H van der Meij, J Van der Meij, R Harmsen
Educational technology research and development 63, 381-403, 2015
Student questioning: A componential analysis
H Van Der Meij
Learning and individual Differences 6 (2), 137-161, 1994
Supporting literacy and digital literacy development in early childhood education using storytelling activities
IY Maureen, H Van Der Meij, T De Jong
International Journal of Early Childhood 50 (3), 371-389, 2018
Question asking: To know that you do not know is not enough.
H Van der Meij
Journal of Educational Psychology 82 (3), 505, 1990
Codeswitching in English courses in Chinese universities
H Van Der Meij, X Zhao
The Modern Language Journal 94 (3), 396-411, 2010
Learning from games: Does collaboration help?
H van der Meij, E Albers, H Leemkuil
British Journal of Educational Technology 42 (4), 655-664, 2011
Like it or not. What characterizes YouTube's more popular instructional videos?
P Ten Hove, H van der Meij
Technical communication 62 (1), 48-62, 2015
Supporting reflective web searching in elementary schools
B De Vries, H van der Meij, AW Lazonder
Computers in Human Behavior 24 (3), 649-665, 2008
The minimal manual: is less really more?
AW Lazonder, H van der Meij
International journal of man-machine studies 39 (5), 729-752, 1993
Enhancing storytelling activities to support early (digital) literacy development in early childhood education
IY Maureen, H van der Meij, T de Jong
International Journal of Early Childhood 52 (1), 55-76, 2020
Reviews in instructional video
H Van der Meij
Computers & education 114, 164-174, 2017
Ten misconceptions about minimalism
JM Carroll, H Van Der Meij
IEEE transactions on professional communication 39 (2), 72-86, 1996
The effects of a concept map-based support tool on simulation-based inquiry learning.
MG Hagemans, H van der Meij, T De Jong
Journal of educational psychology 105 (1), 1, 2013
Hypervideo for educational purposes: a literature review on a multifaceted technological tool
F Sauli, A Cattaneo, H Van der Meij
Technology, pedagogy and education 27 (1), 115-134, 2018
The Halpern critical thinking assessment: Toward a Dutch appraisal of critical thinking
H De Bie, P Wilhelm, H van der Meij
Thinking skills and creativity 17, 33-44, 2015
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