Thorsten Wahl
Thorsten Wahl
Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Cambridge
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Projected entangled-pair states can describe chiral topological states
TB Wahl, HH Tu, N Schuch, JI Cirac
Physical review letters 111 (23), 236805, 2013
Signatures of the many-body localized regime in two dimensions
TB Wahl, A Pal, SH Simon
Nature Physics 15 (2), 164-169, 2019
Efficient representation of fully many-body localized systems using tensor networks
TB Wahl, A Pal, SH Simon
Physical Review X 7 (2), 021018, 2017
Fermionic projected entangled pair states and local U (1) gauge theories
E Zohar, M Burrello, TB Wahl, JI Cirac
Annals of Physics 363, 385-439, 2015
Chiral projected entangled-pair state with topological order
S Yang, TB Wahl, HH Tu, N Schuch, JI Cirac
Physical review letters 114 (10), 106803, 2015
Symmetries and boundary theories for chiral projected entangled pair states
TB Wahl, ST Haßler, HH Tu, JI Cirac, N Schuch
Physical Review B 90 (11), 115133, 2014
Projected Entangled Pair States with non-Abelian gauge symmetries: an SU (2) study
E Zohar, TB Wahl, M Burrello, JI Cirac
Annals of Physics 374, 84-137, 2016
Behavior of l-bits near the many-body localization transition
AK Kulshreshtha, A Pal, TB Wahl, SH Simon
Physical Review B 98 (18), 184201, 2018
Local integrals of motion for topologically ordered many-body localized systems
TB Wahl, B Béri
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033099, 2020
Approximating observables on eigenstates of large many-body localized systems
AK Kulshreshtha, A Pal, TB Wahl, SH Simon
Physical Review B 99 (10), 104201, 2019
Classification of symmetry-protected topological many-body localized phases in one dimension
A Chan, TB Wahl
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (30), 305601, 2020
Local integrals of motion detection of localization-protected topological order
TB Wahl, F Venn, B Béri
Physical Review B 105 (14), 144205, 2022
Classification of symmetry-protected topological phases in two-dimensional many-body localized systems
J Li, A Chan, TB Wahl
Physical Review B 102 (1), 014205, 2020
Tensor networks demonstrate the robustness of localization and symmetry-protected topological phases
TB Wahl
Physical Review B 98 (5), 054204, 2018
Matrix product states with long-range localizable entanglement
TB Wahl, D Perez-Garcia, JI Cirac
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (6), 062314, 2012
Simulating quantum circuits using efficient tensor network contraction algorithms with subexponential upper bound
TB Wahl, S Strelchuk
Physical Review Letters 131 (18), 180601, 2023
Many-body-localization protection of eigenstate topological order in two dimensions
F Venn, TB Wahl, B Béri
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.09775, 2022
Fermionic quantum circuits reproduce experimental two-dimensional many-body localization transition point
J Li, A Chan, TB Wahl
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.08268, 2021
Topologically ordered time crystals
TB Wahl, B Han, B Béri
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.09694, 2021
Tensor network states for the description of quantum many-body systems
TB Wahl
arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.05984, 2015
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