Shaharuddin Salleh
Cited by
Cited by
Scheduling in parallel computing systems: fuzzy and annealing techniques
S Salleh, AY Zomaya
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Multiprocessor scheduling using mean-field annealing
S Salleh, AY Zomaya
Future Generation Computer Systems 14 (5-6), 393-408, 1998
A new method for evaluating decision making units in DEA
D Khezrimotlagh, S Salleh, Z Mohsenpour
Journal of the Operational Research Society 65 (5), 694-707, 2014
Heuristic methods to maximize network lifetime in directional sensor networks with adjustable sensing ranges
H Mohamadi, S Salleh, MN Razali
Journal of network and computer applications 46, 26-35, 2014
Solving target coverage problem using cover sets in wireless sensor networks based on learning automata
H Mohamadi, AS Ismail, S Salleh
Wireless Personal Communications 75, 447-463, 2014
A new learning automata-based approach for maximizing network lifetime in wireless sensor networks with adjustable sensing ranges
H Mohamadi, S Salleh, MN Razali, S Marouf
Neurocomputing 153, 11-19, 2015
A learning automata-based algorithm for solving coverage problem in directional sensor networks
H Mohamadi, ASBH Ismail, S Salleh
Computing 95, 1-24, 2013
A learning automata-based solution to the priority-based target coverage problem in directional sensor networks
H Mohamadi, S Salleh, AS Ismail
Wireless personal communications 79, 2323-2338, 2014
Utilizing distributed learning automata to solve the connected target coverage problem in directional sensor networks
H Mohamadi, AS Ismail, S Salleh
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 198, 21-30, 2013
Fuzzy logic-assisted geographical routing over vehicular ad hoc networks
KZ Ghafoor, KA Bakar, S Salleh, KC Lee, MM Mohamad, M Kamat, ...
International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 8 (7 …, 2012
A new robust mixed integer-valued model in DEA
D Khezrimotlagh, S Salleh, Z Mohsenpour
Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (24), 9885-9897, 2013
A new method in data envelopment analysis to find efficient decision making units and rank both technical efficient and inefficient DMUs together
D Khezrimotlagh, S Salleh, Z Mohsenpour
Applied Mathematical Sciences 6 (93), 4609-4615, 2012
Learning automata-based algorithms for solving the target coverage problem in directional sensor networks
H Mohamadi, AS Ismail, S Salleh, A Nodehi
Wireless personal communications 73, 1309-1330, 2013
Computing for numerical methods using visual C++
S Salleh, AY Zomaya, SA Bakar
John Wiley & Sons, 2007
Local coverage measurement algorithm in GPS-free wireless sensor networks
H Chizari, T Poston, S Abd Razak, AH Abdullah, S Salleh
Ad Hoc Networks 23, 1-17, 2014
Solving priority-based target coverage problem in directional sensor networks with adjustable sensing ranges
MN Razali, S Salleh, H Mohamadi
Wireless Personal Communications 95, 847-872, 2017
Ubiquitous Hub for Digital Natives.
MS Rosli, NS Saleh, B Aris, MH Ahmad, SM Salleh
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 11 (2), 2016
Learning automata-based algorithms for finding cover sets in wireless sensor networks
H Mohamadi, AS Ismail, S Salleh, A Nodhei
The Journal of Supercomputing 66, 1533-1552, 2013
The use of Taguchi method to determine factors affecting the performance of destination sequence distance vector routing protocol in mobile ad hoc networks
H Mohamed, MH Lee, M Sarahintu, S Salleh, B Sanugi
Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 4 (4), 194-198, 2008
Enhanced simulated annealing technique for the single-row routing problem
S Salleh, B Sanugi, H Jamaluddin, S Olariu, AY Zomaya
The Journal of Supercomputing 21, 285-302, 2002
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Articles 1–20