Dr. Vijay Gahlaut
Dr. Vijay Gahlaut
Chandigarh University, India
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QTL Analysis for Drought Tolerance in Wheat: Present Status and Future Possibilities
PK Gupta, HS Balyan, vijay Gahlaut
Agronomy 7 (1), 1-21, 2017
Transcription factors involved in drought tolerance and their possible role in developing drought tolerant cultivars with emphasis on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
V Gahlaut, V Jaiswal, A Kumar, PK Gupta
Theoretical and applied genetics, doi:10.1007/s00122-016-2794-z, 2016
Genetic improvement of grain protein content and other health‐related constituents of wheat grain
HS Balyan, PK Gupta, S Kumar, R Dhariwal, V Jaiswal, S Tyagi, ...
Plant Breeding 132 (5), 446-457, 2013
Hybrid wheat: past, present and future
PK Gupta, HS Balyan, V Gahlaut, G Saripalli, B Pal, BR Basnet, AK Joshi
Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 1-21, 2019
Physiological and molecular insights on wheat responses to heat stress
MK Lal, RK Tiwari, V Gahlaut, V Mangal, A Kumar, MP Singh, V Paul, ...
Plant Cell Reports, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00299-021-02784, 2021
QTL mapping for nine drought-responsive agronomic traits in bread wheat under irrigated and rain-fed environments
V Gahlaut, V Jaiswal, SB Tyagi, G Singh, S Sareen, HS Balyan, PK Gupta
PLoS ONE 12 (8), e0182857, 2017
Phenotyping, Genetic Dissection, and Breeding for Drought and Heat Tolerance in Common Wheat: Status and Prospects
PK Gupta, HS Balyan, V Gahlaut, K Pawan
plant breeding reveiws 36, 85-168, 2012
Genetics of Fe, Zn, β-carotene, GPC and yield traits in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) using multi-locus and multi-traits GWAS
J Kumar, G Saripalli, V Gahlaut, N Goel, PK Meher, KK Mishra, PC Mishra, ...
Euphytica 214, 1-17, 2018
Genome-Wide Association Study of Major Agronomic Traits in Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica L.) Using ddRAD Sequencing
V Jaiswal, S Gupta, V Gahlaut, M Muthamilarasan, T Bandyopadhyay, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 5020, 2019
Further studies on sugar transporter (SWEET) genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
T Gautam, G Saripalli, V Gahlaut, A Kumar, PK Sharma, HS Balyan, ...
Molecular Biology Reports 46, 1-27, 2019
Identification of Novel SNP in Promoter Sequence of TaGW2-6A Associated with Grain Weight and Other Agronomic Traits in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
V Jaiswal, V Gahlaut, S Mathur, P Agarwal, MK Khandelwal, JP Khurana, ...
PLoS One 10 (6), e0129400, 2015
Genome Wide Single Locus Single Trait, Multi-Locus and Multi-Trait Association Mapping for Some Important Agronomic Traits in Common Wheat (T. aestivum L.)
V Jaiswal, V Gahlaut, PK Meher, RR Mir, JP Jaiswal, AR Rao, HS Balyan, ...
PloS one 11 (7), e0159343, 2016
Genome-wide association study (GWAS) delineates genomic loci for ten nutritional elements in foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.)
V Jaiswal, T Bandyopadhyay, V Gahlaut, S Gupta, A Dhaka, N Ramchiary, ...
Journal of Cereal Science 85, 48-55, 2019
QTL analysis and fine mapping of a QTL for yield-related traits in wheat grown in dry and hot environments
H Tura, J Edwards, V Gahlaut, M Garcia, B Sznajder, U Baumann, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 133 (1), 239-257, 2020
Genome-wide identification and characterization of gene family for RWP-RK transcription factors in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
A Kumar, R Batra, V Gahlaut, T Gautam, S Kumar, M Sharma, S Tyagi, ...
PLoS ONE 13 (12), e0208409, 2018
Multi-Locus Genome Wide Association Mapping for Yield and Its Contributing Traits in Hexaploid Wheat under Different Water Regimes
V Gahlaut, V Jaiswal, S Singh, HS Balyan, PK Gupta
Scientific Reports 9, 19486, 2019
Emerging roles of SWEET sugar transporters in plant development and abiotic stress responses
T Gautam, M Dutta, V Jaiswal, G Zinta, V Gahlaut, S Kumar
Cells 11 (8), 1303, 2022
Quantitative epigenetics: a new avenue for crop improvement
V Gahlaut, G Zinta, V Jaiswal, S Kumar
Epigenomes 4 (4), 25, 2020
Genome-wide identification, characterization, and expression profiling of SPX gene family in wheat
A Kumar, M Sharma, V Gahlaut, M Nagaraju, S Chaudhary, A Kumar, ...
International journal of biological macromolecules 140, 17-32, 2019
Introgression of a drought insensitive grain yield QTL for improvement of four Indian bread wheat cultivars using marker assisted breeding without background selection
T Gautam, Amardeep, G Saripalli, Rakhi, A Kumar, V Gahlaut, ...
Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 30, 172-183, 2021
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