Keith Goffin
Keith Goffin
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Innovation management: Strategy and implementation using the pentathlon framework
K Goffin, R Mitchell
(No Title), 2005
An exploratory study of ‘close’supplier–manufacturer relationships
K Goffin, F Lemke, M Szwejczewski
Journal of operations management 24 (2), 189-209, 2006
Tacit knowledge, lessons learnt, and new product development
K Goffin, U Koners
Journal of Product Innovation Management 28 (2), 300-318, 2011
Managing suppliers: when fewer can mean more
K Goffin, M Szwejczewski, C New
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 27 (7 …, 1997
Customer support and new product development‐An exploratory study
K Goffin, C New
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 21 (3), 275-301, 2001
Perspective: State‐of‐the‐art: The quality of case study research in innovation management
K Goffin, P Åhlström, M Bianchi, A Richtnér
Journal of Product Innovation Management 36 (5), 586-615, 2019
Customer support: A cross‐industry study of distribution channels and strategies
K Goffin
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 29 (6 …, 1999
Achieving customer satisfaction through integrated products and services: An exploratory study
JZ Raja, D Bourne, K Goffin, M Çakkol, V Martinez
Journal of Product Innovation Management 30 (6), 1128-1144, 2013
Investigating the meaning of supplier‐manufacturer partnerships: An exploratory study
F Lemke, K Goffin, M Szwejczewski
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 33 (1 …, 2003
Learning from Postproject Reviews: A Cross‐Case Analysis*
U Koners, K Goffin
Journal of Product Innovation Management 24 (3), 242-258, 2007
Managing lessons learned and tacit knowledge in new product development
K Goffin, U Koners, D Baxter, C Van Der Hoven
Research-Technology Management 53 (4), 39-51, 2010
Innovation management in UK and German manufacturing companies
K Goffin, R Pfeiffer
Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society, 1999
Identifying hidden needs: creating breakthrough products
K Goffin, F Lemke, U Koners
Springer, 2010
Manufacturer‐supplier relationships: An empirical study of German manufacturing companies
M Szwejczewski, F Lemke, K Goffin
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 25 (9), 875-897, 2005
Perceptions of industrial design: The “means” and the “ends”
P Micheli, J Jaina, K Goffin, F Lemke, R Verganti
Journal of Product Innovation Management 29 (5), 687-704, 2012
Design for supportability: essential component of new product development
K Goffin
Research-Technology Management 43 (2), 40-47, 2000
“Squeezing R&D”: A study of organizational slack and knowledge creation in NPD, using the SECI model
A Richtnér, P Åhlström, K Goffin
Journal of product innovation management 31 (6), 1268-1290, 2014
New business models for public-sector innovation: Successful technological innovation for government
P Micheli, M Schoeman, D Baxter, K Goffin
Research-Technology Management 55 (5), 51-57, 2012
Rigor in qualitative supply chain management research: Lessons from applying repertory grid technique
K Goffin, JZ Raja, B Claes, M Szwejczewski, V Martinez
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 42 (8 …, 2012
Product service systems, after-sales service and new product development
M Szwejczewski, K Goffin, Z Anagnostopoulos
International Journal of Production Research 53 (17), 5334-5353, 2015
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