Jack L Feldman
Jack L Feldman
Distinguished Professor of Neurobiology, UCLA
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Pre-Bötzinger complex: a brainstem region that may generate respiratory rhythm in mammals
JC Smith, HH Ellenberger, K Ballanyi, DW Richter, JL Feldman
Science 254 (5032), 726-729, 1991
Breathing: rhythmicity, plasticity, chemosensitivity
JL Feldman, GS Mitchell, EE Nattie
Annual review of neuroscience 26, 239, 2003
Looking for inspiration: new perspectives on respiratory rhythm
JL Feldman, CA Del Negro
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 7 (3), 232-241, 2006
Synaptic control of motoneuronal excitability
JC Rekling, GD Funk, DA Bayliss, XW Dong, JL Feldman
Physiological reviews 80 (2), 767-852, 2000
Modulation of respiratory frequency by peptidergic input to rhythmogenic neurons in the preBotzinger complex
PA Gray, JC Rekling, CM Bocchiaro, JL Feldman
Science 286 (5444), 1566-1568, 1999
PreBötzinger complex and pacemaker neurons: hypothesized site and kernel for respiratory rhythm generation
JC Rekling, JL Feldman
Annual review of physiology 60 (1), 385-405, 1998
Normal breathing requires preBötzinger complex neurokinin-1 receptor-expressing neurons
PA Gray, WA Janczewski, N Mellen, DR McCrimmon, JL Feldman
Nature neuroscience 4 (9), 927-930, 2001
Neurophysiology of breathing in mammals
JL Feldman
Handbook of physiology 4, 463-524, 1986
Breathing matters
CA Del Negro, GD Funk, JL Feldman
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 19 (6), 351-367, 2018
Brainstem network controlling descending drive to phrenic motoneurons in rat
EG Dobbins, JL Feldman
Journal of Comparative Neurology 347 (1), 64-86, 1994
Distinct rhythm generators for inspiration and expiration in the juvenile rat
WA Janczewski, JL Feldman
The Journal of physiology 570 (2), 407-420, 2006
Understanding the rhythm of breathing: so near, yet so far
JL Feldman, CA Del Negro, PA Gray
Annual review of physiology 75 (1), 423-452, 2013
Brainstem projections to the major respiratory neuron populations in the medulla of the cat
JC Smith, DE Morrison, HH Ellenberger, MR Otto, JL Feldman
Journal of Comparative Neurology 281 (1), 69-96, 1989
Opioid-induced quantal slowing reveals dual networks for respiratory rhythm generation
NM Mellen, WA Janczewski, CM Bocchiaro, JL Feldman
Neuron 37 (5), 821-826, 2003
In vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparations for study of motor systems for mammalian respiration and locomotion
JC Smith, JL Feldman
Journal of neuroscience methods 21 (2-4), 321-333, 1987
Generation and transmission of respiratory oscillations in medullary slices: role of excitatory amino acids
GD Funk, JC Smith, JL Feldman
Journal of neurophysiology 70 (4), 1497-1515, 1993
Silencing preBötzinger complex somatostatin-expressing neurons induces persistent apnea in awake rat
W Tan, WA Janczewski, P Yang, XM Shao, EM Callaway, JL Feldman
Nature neuroscience 11 (5), 538-540, 2008
Neural mechanisms generating respiratory pattern in mammalian brain stem-spinal cord in vitro. I. Spatiotemporal patterns of motor and medullary neuron activity
JC Smith, JJ Greer, GS Liu, JL Feldman
Journal of neurophysiology 64 (4), 1149-1169, 1990
Sodium and calcium current-mediated pacemaker neurons and respiratory rhythm generation
CA Del Negro, C Morgado-Valle, JA Hayes, DD Mackay, RW Pace, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (2), 446-453, 2005
Role of excitatory amino acids in the generation and transmission of respiratory drive in neonatal rat.
JJ Greer, JC Smith, JL Feldman
The Journal of physiology 437 (1), 727-749, 1991
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