Ben H. Schneider
Cited by
Cited by
Optomechanical coupling between a multilayer graphene mechanical resonator and a superconducting microwave cavity
V Singh, SJ Bosman, BH Schneider, YM Blanter, A Castellanos-Gomez, ...
Nature nanotechnology 9 (10), 820-824, 2014
Coupling carbon nanotube mechanics to a superconducting circuit
BH Schneider, S Etaki, HSJ Van Der Zant, GA Steele
Scientific reports 2 (1), 599, 2012
Probing the charge of a quantum dot with a nanomechanical resonator
HB Meerwaldt, G Labadze, BH Schneider, A Taspinar, YM Blanter, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (11), 115454, 2012
Molybdenum-rhenium alloy based high-Q superconducting microwave resonators
V Singh, BH Schneider, SJ Bosman, EPJ Merkx, GA Steele
Applied Physics Letters 105 (22), 2014
Observation of decoherence in a carbon nanotube mechanical resonator
BH Schneider, V Singh, WJ Venstra, HB Meerwaldt, GA Steele
Nature communications 5 (1), 5819, 2014
Observation of broadband entanglement in microwave radiation from a single time-varying boundary condition
BH Schneider, A Bengtsson, IM Svensson, T Aref, G Johansson, ...
Physical Review Letters 124 (14), 140503, 2020
Nondegenerate parametric oscillations in a tunable superconducting resonator
A Bengtsson, P Krantz, M Simoen, IM Svensson, B Schneider, ...
Physical Review B 97 (14), 144502, 2018
Pick-up and drop transfer of diamond nanosheets
V Seshan, JO Island, R Van Leeuwen, WJ Venstra, BH Schneider, ...
Nanotechnology 26 (12), 125706, 2015
Castellanos-Gomez, and GA Steele,“Optomechanical coupling between a multilayer graphene mechanical resonator and a superconducting microwave cavity,”
V Singh, SJ Bosman, BH Schneider, YM Blanter
Nat. Nanotechnol 9 (10), 820-824, 2014
A nanomechanical resonator as a probe of the charge of a quantum dot
HB Meerwaldt, G Labadze, BH Schneider, A Taspinar, YM Blanter, ...
Physical Review B 86, 115454, 2012
Observation of broadband entanglement in microwave radiation from the dynamical Casimir effect
B Schneider, A Bengtsson, IM Svensson, T Aref, GR Johansson, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2018, E39. 009, 2018
Suspended carbon nanotubes coupled to superconducting circuits
BH Schneider
Experimental test of the entanglement of radiation generated by the dynamical Casimir effect
B Schneider, M Simoen, IM Svensson, A Bengtsson, T Aref, J Bylander, ...
2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), 2314-2314, 2016
Fast readout of carbon nanotube mechanical resonators
H Meerwaldt, V Singh, B Schneider, R Schouten, H van der Zant, G Steele
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2013, Z7. 013, 2013
BH Schneider, 0
Coupling carbon nanotube mechanics to a superconducting circuit: Supplementary Information
BH Schneider, S Etaki, HSJ van der Zant, GA Steele
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Articles 1–16