Ilya Zitter
Ilya Zitter
Associate Professor, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
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Hybrid learning environments: Merging learning and work processes to facilitate knowledge integration and transitions
I Zitter, A Hoeve
OECD, 2012
The complexity of educational design research
SF Akkerman, LH Bronkhorst, I Zitter
Quality & Quantity 47, 421-439, 2013
A design perspective on the school-work boundary: A hybrid curriculum model
I Zitter, A Hoeve, E de Bruijn
Vocations and Learning 9, 111-131, 2016
Characteristics of learning environments at the boundary between school and work–A literature review
E Bouw, I Zitter, E De Bruijn
Educational Research Review 26, 1-15, 2019
Adding a design perspective to study learning environments in higher professional education
I Zitter, E De Bruijn, PRJ Simons, TJ Ten Cate
Higher Education 61, 371-386, 2011
Designable elements of integrative learning environments at the boundary of school and work: a multiple case study
E Bouw, I Zitter, E De Bruijn
Learning Environments Research 24 (3), 487-517, 2021
Designing for learning: Studying learning environments in higher professional education from a design perspective
II Zitter
Utrecht University, 2010
In search of common ground: A task conceptualization to facilitate the design of (e) learning environments with design patterns
I Zitter, G Kinkhorst, R Simons, O ten Cate
Computers in Human Behavior 25 (5), 999-1009, 2009
The role of professional objects in technology-enhanced learning environments in higher education
I Zitter, E De Bruijn, RJ Simons, O Ten Cate
Interactive Learning Environments 20 (2), 119-140, 2012
Tussen opleiding en beroepspraktijk: Het potentieel van boundary crossing
A Bakker, I Zitter, S Beausaert, E de Bruijn
Multilevel design considerations for vocational curricula at the boundary of school and work
E Bouw, I Zitter, E De Bruijn
Journal of Curriculum Studies 53 (6), 765-783, 2021
Hybride leeromgevingen: Het verweven van leer-en werkprocessen
II Zitter, A Hoeve
Connectivity between education and work: Theoretical models and insights
P Tynjälä, S Beausaert, I Zitter, E Kyndt
Developing connectivity between education and work, 3-14, 2021
Leren in hybride leeromgevingen in het beroepsonderwijs
J Huisman, E De Bruijn, L Baartman, II Zitter, E Aalsma
Learning in hybrid learning environments in vocational education].’s …, 2010
Designing competence-based vocational curricula at the school-work boundary
R Wesselink, I Zitter
Enhancing teaching and learning in the Dutch vocational education system …, 2017
Exploring co-construction of learning environments at the boundary of school and work through the lens of vocational practice
E Bouw, I Zitter, E De Bruijn
Vocations and Learning 14 (3), 559-588, 2021
Developing Connectivity between Education and Work
E Kyndt, S Beausaert, I Zitter
Routledge. https://doi. org/10.4324/9781003091219, 2021
Drie rollen in ontwerpgericht onderzoek: onderzoeker, ontwerper en veranderaar
S Akkerman, L Bronkhorst, I Zitter
J. van Aken & D. Andriessen (Red.), Handboek ontwerpgericht wetenschappelijk …, 2011
Exploring design principles for technology-enhanced workplace learning
E van der Stappen, I Zitter
Leren in hybride leeromgevingen in het beroepsonderwijs: praktijkverkenning, theoretische verdieping
J Huisman, ...[et al.]
Expertisecentrum Beroepsonderwijs (ECBO), 2010
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Articles 1–20