Roald Verhoeff
Roald Verhoeff
Associate Professor Science Education, Radboud University
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Inquiry-based science education: towards a pedagogical framework for primary school teachers
MSJ Van Uum, RP Verhoeff, M Peeters
International Journal of Science Education 28 (3), 450-469, 2016
Systems modelling and the development of coherent understanding of cell biology
RP Verhoeff, AJ Waarlo, KT Boersma
International Journal of Science Education 30 (4), 543-568, 2008
The theoretical nature of systems thinking. Perspectives on systems thinking in biology education
RP Verhoeff, MCPJ Knippels, MGR Gilissen, KT Boersma
Frontiers in Education 3, 40, 2018
Inquiry-based science education: Scaffolding pupils’ self-directed learning in open inquiry
MSJ Van Uum, RP Verhoeff, M Peeters
International Journal of Science Education 39 (18), 2461-2481, 2017
Towards systems thinking in cell biology education
RP Verhoeff
Teachers’ and educators’ perspectives on systems thinking and its implementation in Dutch biology education
MGR Gilissen, MCPJ Knippels, RP Verhoeff, WR van Joolingen
Journal of Biological Education, 2020
Performing the Future. On the Use of Drama in Philosophy Courses for Science Students.
W Toonders, RP Verhoeff, H Zwart
Science & Education, 1-27, 2016
Multiple representations in modeling strategies for the development of systems thinking in biology education
RP Verhoeff, KT Boersma, AJ Waarlo
Multiple representations in biological education, 331-348, 2012
The Use of Drama in Socio-Scientific Inquiry Based Learning
RP Verhoeff
Cognitive and Affective Aspects in Science Education Research. Selected …, 2017
Science and society in education
R Levinson, MC Knippels, E Kyza, A Christodoulou, SN Chang-Rundgren, ...
Utrecht University, Freudenthal Institute (Project Coordinator), 2017
Professionalising primary school teachers in guiding inquiry-based learning
MSJ van Uum, M Peeters, RP Verhoeff
Research in Science Education 51 (Suppl 1), 81-108, 2021
Genomics in school
R Verhoeff, DJ Boerwinkel, AJ Waarlo
EMBO reports 10 (2), 120-124, 2009
Good intentions, stubborn practice: A critical appraisal of a public event on cancer genomics
RP Verhoeff, AJ Waarlo
International Journal of Science Education, Part B 3 (1), 1-24, 2013
Wetenschappelijke doorbraken de klas in!
M Peeters, W Meijer, R Verhoeff
Waarnemen en bewegen, Onder invloed en Gevaarlijke ideeën, 2014
A framework for rethinking science curricula in the genomics era
DJ Boerwinkel, R Verhoeff, AJ Waarlo
FIsme-series on Research in Science Education 62, 2009
Incremental grading in practice: first experiences in higher education
C Köppe, R Verhoeff, W van Joolingen
Proceedings of the European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 2020 …, 2020
Design Criteria for A Teaching Approach on Systems Thinking
MGR Gilissen, RP Verhoeff, M Knippels, WR van Joolingen
ESERA Conference. Dublin City University. Dublin Ireland. 21st-25th August, 2017
A comprehensive exploration of artificial intelligence competence frameworks for educators: A critical review
T Mikeladze, PC Meijer, RP Verhoeff
European Journal of Education, e12663, 2024
Interactive Communication in Pharmacogenomics Innovations: User-producer interaction from an innovation and science communication perspective.
RP Verhoeff, EHM Moors, P Osseweijer
Genomics, Society & Policy 4 (2), 2008
Learning and teaching cell biology from a systems perspective – an interim report of a developmental research project.
RP Verhoeff, AJ Waarlo, KT Boersma
Biology Education For The Real World. Student –Teacher – Citizen …, 2003
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