Simone Ivan Conte
Simone Ivan Conte
Computer Scientist, Adobe
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Cited by
Depth perception with gaze-contingent depth of field
M Mauderer, S Conte, MA Nacenta, D Vishwanath
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2014
Integration of an active research data system with a data repository to streamline the research data lifecycle: Pure-NOMAD case study
SI Conte, F Fina, M Psalios, SM Reyal, T Lebl, A Clements
International Journal of Digital Curation 12 (2), 210-219, 2017
The Sea of Stuff: a model to manage shared mutable data in a distributed environment
SI Conte
University of St Andrews, 2019
Using Gaze-Contingent Depth of Field to Facilitate Depth Perception
M Mauderer, SI Conte, MA Nacenta, D Vishwanath
i-Perception 5 (5), 473-473, 2014
The Sea of Stuff: a step towards the grand unified theory of data
SI Conte, G Kirby, A Dearle
UK Systems Workshop, 2019
A graph-based versioning storage to overcome data inconsistencies across bullying microservices
SI Conte
UK Systems Workshop, 2019
Modelling Context and Provenance in a Sea of Data
SI Conte, GNC Dearle, Alan, Kirby, A O'Lenskie, I Paterson
USENIX Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance, 2015
HaptiQ: A Haptic Device for Graph Exploration by People with Visual Disabilities
SI Conte, MA Nacenta
University of St Andrews, 2014
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Articles 1–8